Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A sample Natal / Birth Chart

Sun sign : Leo

Moon sign : Gemini

Rising sign : Sagittarius

Mercury : Leo

Venus : Gemini

Mars : Leo

Jupiter : Sagittarius

Saturn : Gemini

Uranus : Libra

Neptun : Sagittarius

Pluto : Libra

Chiron : Ram

Lilith : Scorpio

True node : Capricorn

P. of Fortune : Libra

Vertex : Leo

* This person metaphorically is made up of fire and air and thus needs somebody whose chart  predominantly consists of water ( for a balanced relationship )

Planetary influences

Mercury : is the planet of communication ( powers of persuasion ).

Venus : governs love and romance.

Mars : is how you fare in an argument and how you handle conflict.

Jupiter : shows how you will grow and progress in life / helps you create opportunities.

Saturn : is the most distant and slow-moving of the planets / deals with restrictions in life / is also about fate and luck.

Neptune : governs our fantasies and sacrifices.

Uranus : is all about resistance and dissociation

Pluto : is all about regeneration.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011



Fire signs = Leo , Ram , Sagittarius

Air signs = Libra , Gemini , Aquarius

Earth signs = Capricorn , Bull , Virgo

Water signs = Pisces , Scorpio , Cancer


Cardinal signs = Aries, Cancer, Libra , Capricorn ( initiators of action )

Fixed signs = Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius ( strong staying power )

Mutable signs = Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius , Pisces ( anything for a quiet life )


Positive & Masculine = All the fire and air signs

Negative & Feminine = All the earth and water signs

These do not imply any sexual nature or predisposition : YANG & YIN

Sun Sign : It is your true self. It is the essence of you and your conscience.

Rising Sign : You know what your sun sign is ,but that's only the beginning. To truly understand who you are and how you can best fulfill your destiny, you need to understand your rising sign as well. Your rising sign is the sign of the zodiac seated on the eastern horizon at the time of your birth.

Your Rising Sign determines what others think of you and also how you come across to people. Your Sun Sign and your Rising Sign can be very different, and thus, what you are when you are alone and what you are in front of others, can be something entirely different.

Your sun sign is who you are inside—your soul. But your rising sign is who you are on the outside—the face you show to the world. To get what you want out of life, you need to reconcile the inner and outer you.

Moon Sign : Put simply, it is how you intuitively and instinctively react and respond.

Leo Tolstoy said

                     If you want to be happy , be                                        

a tragic joke

One day, in the class, we were talking about the magnificence of the human brain and I wanted to share an interesting fact that I just found out about this wonderful  "design " ...

I told them :

" If today they are to make a computer working just like the human brain, it costs 350 million dollars "

and one of them said jokingly :

" Mine is must be more valuable ...coz it's still brand new "

and I said

" Lucky you "


the shortest sentence in English

I am

Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Unitary Nature of Reality

I feel very strongly that we are growing to a point in which developing the divine within is of paramount importance rather than solely looking outward for our concepts of divinity - nurturing our own inner child! And seeing the shadow side within as well instead of forever projecting it out onto other peoples spiritual concepts, scapegoating other religions etc. but recognising that what we hate most outside of us is an aspect of that which we find most difficult to deal with within ourselves. All polarity splits, conscious-unconscious, subject-object, male-female, dark-light, black-white, postive-negative, etc., become healed in the knowing of the unitary nature of reality.

This is all love. We need the highest moral standards which develop from our own self-development, our own personal realisation of our true spiritual potential. There's nothing new in this, it's just that we are having real problems with it because it has to come from our inner being and grow outwards, and so many of us are so blocked to real loving in so many ways yet we all need love so much.

We have to realize our full potential; it is an inner command that we cannot run away from, it is nature growing through us. If we do not follow this inner command than all around us is affected adversely. It is a total commitment. Our life does not belong solely to us; we are part of nature and our responsibility to grow is  a responsibility to the whole since we are all interconnected and if you give up on your personal growth then you damage not only yourself but your whole environment. Part of this is bringing our deeper selves into relationship with our intensely powerful conscious self.

Watching out for ego and developing the Divine within

This means that the Humanistic Psychotherapy movement which has made such a change in our way of thinking over the past five decades is an essential aspect of the new spirituality in that it helps us to overcome our personal problems, to delve down into the roots of why we are so disfunctional and make such serious mistakes in our lives, creating such troubles as alcoholism, drug dependency, abuse of women and children, wars, avarice - the dreadful greed which is threatening life on this planet, and so develop ourselves and grow our loving (which is the will to extend ourselves in order to nurture our own or another’s spiritual growth).

Spiritual growth is evolution of consiousness - the continuous work of bringing our conscious self-concept into progressively greater congruence with reality, greater understanding. When we become spiritually realised we become enlightened, which I am beginning to see means total understanding, total clarity, no more confusion, a head working in congruence with heart so that our emotions and physical feelings and needs are lived with appropriately. Imagine always knowing what is the best thing to do, feel, say or think, knowing the perfect way to be!

Holographic Philosophy

Under the emerging holographic philosophy, where the whole is present in each part, and no part can do anything without affecting the whole, we are wholly part of the Universe and it is up to each individual to change their lifestyle in accord with the planet's needs, in harmony with the planet, a lifestyle that the earth can support.

There is great emphasis on each individual living their beliefs every day at every moment, living a spiritual awareness of the inter-connectedness of everything at every level.

The realisation that all is interwoven, interlinked, must surely create a change in practical life attitudes, changes that are apparent everywhere now.

 This is the “green,” practical aspect of our spirituality.  Every single one of us has to change our way of life.

Every action must be done with consideration of this planet uppermost in our minds and it's probably linked with the dire state of this planet that this sort of spirituality is so strongly emerging at this moment in time. We must not be complacent in the slightest degree.


The Aquarian spirituality is a very personal spirituality - there is no dogma laid down from outside, you choose your own path from the spiritual supermarket.

 Never before in the history of humanity have all the world's great religious teachings been available for all to pick and choose from - now they are.

So each of us has our own cauldron, our own stewpot, and into it we put in that which suits us for our own growth, our own needs.

This is a grass roots spirituality which seems to be coming up from the very earth: we are evolving because she is evolving, we are the conscious myth-making, acting-out aspect of her spiritual growth.

This is not a selfish philosophy where one is good because at the end one is rewarded, as in the Piscean Age philosophies.

It is for the good of the whole for the evolution of the whole that one behaves as one does, because in growing one’s loving awareness you have to keep on working at being kinder, more considerate, more caring in every possible way

and there is always room for improvement, new insights to gain, a bigger and softer heart to grow. There is no ultimate end, it is all in the process.

Love is the  act of evolution, of self-development, of spiritual growth, the way in which we grow towards divinity. It is constant work -

we have to work at loving, being courageous and facing our fears, it is very painful indeed; the spiritual path is difficult, we have to work to understand.

Fear is the major form of laziness, is anti-love, is anti-spiritual evolution, anti-divinity, anti-enlightnement.

Some people destroy love in order to avoid the pain of self-awareness, they hate love because it reveals their laziness, their fear, their inertia, their lack of spiritual development.

Latest chronology

The age of Taurus :   4,000 BCE - 2,000 BCE

The age of Aries :     2,000BCE - 0

The age of Pisces :   0 - 2000

The age of Aquarius : 2000 - 4000

PS : If you want to understand the zodiac sign of Aries, look to the symbol of the Ram and the fiery personality of the Aries God of War.

PS : The ram is   alive and well in the age of the fish. And so the martial energy of Aries did not die out in the past two millenia but has carried on to the near certain death of us all in the ultimate scenario of nuclear war.

For the Celts

This time of transition was felt to be the crack in the cosmic egg when magic could occur most easily, when the veils are thinnest between the worlds.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

More on Aquarius

We understand Aquarius to be a revolutionary sign, governed by the planet Uranus, which brings dramatic change and upheaval to the status quo.
There is a breaking free from the past to create the future we desire for ourselves and our world.
The answers will be completely new as a result of the study of what has been and what is desired.
The key phrase for Aquarius is "I Know." It is an air sign, scientific and intellectual.
However, it's ruling planet, Uranus, is associated with intuition and perceptions of the heart, so the knowledge it brings is the ability to intuitively perceive while accumulating and applying knowledge.
It will be an era of synthesis, where the truths in all areas of life will be looked at with fresh eyes, and we have the potential to experience more unified thought and consideration of how we interact and resolve our problems.

"We must be the change we wish to see." Mahatma Gandhi

From a spiritual perspective, this is the key phrase for Aquarius.
The wave of change is sent forth, but it is up to us to ride that wave, clearly recognizing that we, individually and collectively, are the ones who will determine what the Aquarian Age will ultimately be.
The potential is there, but unless enough people will "be the change," and manifest a golden-age consciousness, we will not see the widespread constructive transformation that can lead to a physical golden age.


Some people think of a golden age as a utopia or paradise where everything is perfect. But this is more of a Piscean notion than Aquarian.
When enough people become the change, we will see a significant shift in the values that shape our societies.
When the majority of people become the change, there is a viable potential for a golden age.
Not an age of human perfection, because there is no such thing.
But the potential to live in a world where higher moral and spiritual standards are reflected in our societies, governments, families and individuals, and where there is a heightened sense of brotherhood, cooperation, and respect.
Remember, an age lasts 2,150 years. So while the world today may not be on the verge of a Golden Age, there is still time--and hope.

And it all begins NOW,

with YOU.


yourself can find out what Pisces symbolizes and what qualities it has

if you want to get a more clear picture ...

The Gifts of the Age of Aquarius

" We have never been in this part of space before. Just as our Earth revolves around our Sun our whole Solar System revolves about the Galactic Sun. Our Earth takes one year to make a full revolution. Our Solar system takes 2000 years.

Our Earth revolves clockwise giving us the succession of Astrological signs and energies, Aries though Pisces. Our Solar System revolves counter clockwise around the Galactic Sun, giving us a succession of 2000 year Astrological signs and energies, Pisces through Aries.

We have never been here before. These are exciting times because

* Man is to become more conscious. It is the single most important goal in our lives. It is our destiny. That   being to raise our levels of consciousness, to become more God-like.

* Matter as we know it will change.

* There exists an infinite ocean of intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God.

* The Quantum Ocean has no time, nor space
   It has only the HERE-NOW. Everything that ever was, is or will be exists in the Quantum Ocean.

* We now have proof that thoughts are things. What we think creates our physical reality. We do this by  'thinking' the energy out of the Quantum Ocean and into our life."

2150 A.D.

Published in 1971

a brief note

0 .............................................1975......2000....2025........................................4000

Starting from the late 1960s, the shift  from Pisces to Aquarius took its place...

We see this new collective psyche especially in the year 1968...

People demanded peace and independence...

We witnessed great improvements in hi-tech...

It's like an invisible hand pushed the button to accelerate everything we saw...

Lat's say a man dies in the 1940s and resurrects his lifetime he only saw the advent of radio and TV and nothing else...Can you imagine his shock when he saw the Internet, space travel, fax macines, mobile phones, ipod, etc...

By the way, it takes 50 years to complete each this case from Pisces to Aqarius  ( 1975-2025 )

Age of Aquarius ( The Golden Age of Humanity ) PART 1

" We, as a Solar System, have just left the Age of Pisces (0 - 2000 AD).

We have just moved into the Age of Aquarius (2000 - 4000 AD)."

 First of all, let's look at the qualities of " Aquarius " in the Zodiac

* independent

* intellectual

* idealistic

* sincere

* curious

* witty

* spiritually enlightened

* forgiving

  • Paradigm shifts in the medical profession, from allopathic medicine to more holistic medicine.

  • We see more equality between men and women emerging.

  •  It's about space travel and computers. It's about things moving quickly and rapidly.

  • We are awakening our spiritual potential and our innate gifts as spiritual beings. This includes the awakening of clairvoyance, clairaudience, telepathy, and healing abilities.

  • "Harmony and understanding,
    Sympathy and trust abounding.
    No more falsehoods or derision,
    Golden living, dreams of vision.
    Mystic crystal revelations,
    And the mind's true liberation.
    Aquarius! Aquarius!

    When the moon is in the southern half,
    And Jupiter aligned with Mars.
    Then peace will guide the planet,
    And love will steer the stars.
    This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius!
    Age of Aquarius!
    Aquarius! Aquarius! Aquarius! Aquarius!"
    Fifth Dimension (Arista Records 1972)
    (Written by J. Rado, G. Ragni and G. McDermott to celebrate Age of Aquarius

    Thursday, August 18, 2011

    Today's quote

    " Women are like apples on trees, the best ones are on the top of the tree.

     The men don't want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and don't want to get hurt.

    Instead, they just get the rotten apples from the ground that aren't so good but easy.

    So, the apples at the top think something is wrong with them, when in reality they are amazing.

    They just have to wait for the right man to come along, the one who's brave enough to climb all the way to

    the top becuase they value quality.”

    Love in the Time of Cholera

    It is one of those movies that gives the viewers more than a 90- minute joy...

    Florentino Ariza, who has a great talent in writing poetry, falls in love at first sight with Fermina Daza...

    They secretly correspond and she eventually agrees to marry, but her father discovers their relationship and sends her to distant relatives. When she returns some years later, Fermina agrees to marry Dr. Juvenal Urbino, her father's choice...

    Florentino Fermina's marriage devastates Florentino, but he keeps on writing his poets..

    One day, he visits his uncle to borrow some money to publish his poetry book...

    the reaction he gets from his uncle is negative...

    the uncle says " You knock on the wrong door son...I am a poor man with lots of money."

    * That is , you can be a rich man with little money, or a poor man with lots of money...
    * There are so many books written on "art of living "...

            To live a rich life has nohing to do with the amount of money you have...

           it is about how much you give out of your money and how you spend this money...

           Just like so many things in life, the issue of being rich or poor is relative, too

    George Bernard Shaw

    " The man with a toothache thinks everyone happy whose teeth are sound. The poverty-stricken man makes the same mistake about the rich man. "

    Tony Robbins

    " We are the only beings on the planet who lead such rich internal lives that it's not the events that matter most to us, but rather, it's how we interpret those events that will determine how we think about ourselves and how we will act in the future. "

    George Bernard Shaw...I love you...RIP my friend

    " If you must hold yourself up to your children as an object lesson, hold yourself up as a warning and not an example."

    Just like his other quotes, this one has also inspired me to write...

    He is one of my sources of inspiration and God knows how I admire his wit...


    To make the long story short, I want to touch on the issue of relationships...

    Don't worry, I won't keep you long..

    I just want you to look at nature...for instance,

    I want you to observe how ants are working cooperatively

    how bees are working in harmony

    how lions protect their families

    how male birds invest huge efforts to construct their nests to make female birds happy

    how spiders work diligently and patiently to form their nets

    the samples are infinite...

    what I'm trying to say is

    unless you are ready

    unless you are willing to put your heart in a relationship

    unless you are determined to live a healthy, balanced and peaceful relationship

    unless you are sincere about devoting yourself to your relationship

    your relationship will not be realtionship...

    Wednesday, August 17, 2011


    " God turns you from one feeling to another and teaches by means of opposites,

    so that you will have two wings to fly, not one."

    Eckhart Tolle

    What determines ultimately whether your life has meaning or not is whether the dimension of depth—the stillness, the spaciousness, the formless essence—whether you realize that within yourself.

    Or whether your life is consumed completely by the world of form, which includes the thinking mind…

    Neo is an anagram of One

    Watch the movie Matrix once every year...

    The more your consciousness increases, the more messages you will receive from the movie...

    Everytime I watch it, I catch myself saying " I must have missed this part earlier "

    For me Agent Smith in the movie represents the evil ...

    and Neo, " The One", represents the good ,

    every each of us who wishes a matrix disinfected from agent Smiths...

    and the Oracle represents anybody that shows us the way out when we feel we are lost...

          * Let's say you were given a book when you were 15..
           You re-read the book when you were 25..
           and again you are reading the same book now when you are 35..
           the book is the same book, but your consciousness does not remain the same...
           it is raising each and everyday as your awareness increases...

        * So...the movie is there, the book is there...but what you percieve and what I percieve may differ according to our level of consciousness...just like what I see when I look at life may be different from what you see...

       *  When the number of Neos increases, we will step out of the matrix and start living in a reality that is not based on duality.

    Spirit ...Soul...what are the differences ?


    Spirit is the life force, the lan vital that animates life.

    Spirit is the spark, or portion of the Divine that is in every entity.

    That spark  is the light and life of mind, or consciousness. Within the one, universal, collective mind of God are infinite points of consciousness, spirits like the Great Spirit. The consciousness of our spirit is the superconscious, a level of consciousness that is nearly indistinguishable from God's consciousness.

    Spirit is not just a force. It is a consciousness with individualness, though not nearly as individual as we are in our physical condition.

    Our spirit self is, has been, and always will be before the throne of God. It is perfect, unblemished.

    Spirit is a thing apart from anything earthy, and does not descend into the realms of Earth unless we lift ourselves up to it and connect with it. Even then, it remains shielded from earthly influences.


    God that creates our soul self, different from the spirit self .

    God forms us from the dust of the ground and breathes the breath of life into us, and we become living souls .

    Soul as the developing portion of our whole nature. It is ever changing, growing, and learning, and uses free will to explore, create, test, discover, and more.

    Soul is the ultimate companion to the Creator; a true companion, because it has the free will to choose to be a companion or not.

     The soul is also uniquely able to bridge the gulf between the spirit realms and the physical realms, between our divine, godly self and our earthly self.

    The mind of the soul is the subconscious. It may operate independently of the Collective Consciousness of the Creator. (At least, it is allowed to think it does. After all, there is no way to actually be outside of the Whole.) Or, it may act in harmony and conscious with the Collective Consciousness.

    The human-being has been created with love in order to love...

    It is Love and the Lover that live eternally -
    Don't lend your heart to anything else;
    all else is borrowed...

    We love the created for the Creator's sake

    Mystic is what they call me,
    Hate is my only enemy;
    I harbor a grudge against none,
    To me the whole wide world is one.

    I am not here on earth for strife
    Love is the mission of my life.

    Firm hands will lose their grip one day
    And tonques that talk will soon decay:
     The wealth you loved and stored away
    Will go to some inheritor

    See all people as equals,
    See the humble as heroes.

                                                   For those who truly love God and His ways         
                                                   All the people of the world are brothers.

         We regard no one's religion as contrary to ours,
                  True love is born when all faiths are united as a whole.
    True faith is in the head, not in the headgear.

    You better seek God right in your own heart
    He is neither in the Holy Land nor in Mecca

    We love the created
    For the Creator's sake

    Come, let us all be friends for once
    Let us make life easy on us,
    Let us be lovers and loved ones,
    The earth shall be left to no one.

    Monday, August 15, 2011


    " People fancy they are enjoying themselves,
    but they are really tearing out their wings
    for the sake of an illusion. "

    If .....

    If you think there are no other dimensions

    If you think this world is the only reality

    If you think you are here for no purpose

    If you think your are not increasing in level as you try to become a better human-being

    If you think you are not being tested in this world

    If you think you are not being watched while stealing

    If you think you can harm anybody and you will not see the consequences of your actions

    If you think you can cheat anybody and you will get away with it

    then let me tell you something

    you live in a reality which is completely false ...

    You are truly rich

    if you have no guilty conscience


    If you can keep your heart clean despite all the bad-will surrounding you ,

    If you choose the clean and tough path, which is earning and living honestly ,

    If you are worried about your fellow human-beings despite the ignorance that blinds some eyes ,

    If you are willing to serve and help people despite the indifference that blinds some hearts ,

    If you care about justice and damn injustice done to your fellow human beings ,

    Thank God...

    you are still a human- being...

    the most wonderful creature ever created...

    Saturday, August 13, 2011

    George Bernard Shaw


    in the sense of phenomena we cannot explain,

    surround us on every hand:

     life itself is the miracle of miracles.

    Friday, August 12, 2011

    If this is not miracle

     define what miracle is ...

    Gracias a la Vida

    Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply

    not giving the kiss the attention it deserves...

    that is ,

    be present...

    Leonardo da Vinci said

    " There are three classes of people:

    those who see,

    those who see when they are shown,

    and those who do not see. "

    Be aware

    Be alert

    Be awake

    watch your mind

    observe your mind

    do not let "the ego" turn you into an ungrateful person...

    Who is talking ?

    " I will come to them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left, and You will find that most of them are unappreciative."

    700 hundred years ago

    Yunus Emre said

    " There is an I in me deeper than I "

    he mentioned two "I" s

    the visible I = the false I under the influence of the ego

    and the deeper I ...

    The visible I is the I that I think I am

    and the deeper I is the divine I

    if we can free ourselves from form and image and protect ourselves from our own thoughts,

    we can reach the deeper I

    and start seeing everything through the spiritual Eye

    which enables us to become more compassionate and thus


    What is ego made of ?



    inferior and superior complexity






    discriminative thoughts

    anything that prevents you from reaching the common goal of humanity

    which is

    to become an honorable human-being

    Vincent Van Gogh once said

    " Great things are done by a series of small things brought together."

    We can produce endless samples that explain this quote...

    Imagine you are entering a competition in which your cooking skill is going to be tested...

    you already know what you are going to cook...

    but first you go to the market...

    you buy the necessary ingredients...

    you prepare the kitchen and the cooking materials...

    and you finally start cooking...

    all these steps that will take you to your goal seem insignificant, right ?

    Now I want you to imagine what the Master of all times did...

    Leonardo da Vinci...

    Before he started painting Mona Lisa,

    what did he do ?

    Of all the question words

    "how" is the most significant one...

    "how" did you live ?

    "how" did you love ?

    "how" did you behave towards people?

    "how" did you treat your loved ones ?


    "how do you answer these questions?" is the most important of all...

    Wednesday, August 10, 2011


    I had a dream a few days ago and in the dream I was not here but there...
    I was asked a question...
    " how long did you stay in the world ?"
    I thought for a while and answered the question "I know that I must not answer this question according to the time illusion that humans created "
    because even if one spends a hundred years here on earth, for the other dimension , it is shorter than the blink of an eye...
    so I said " maybe 7 seconds ?"
     They looked at me smiling and said :

    " You have never left here, but you thought you did "