Sunday, August 28, 2011

Holographic Philosophy

Under the emerging holographic philosophy, where the whole is present in each part, and no part can do anything without affecting the whole, we are wholly part of the Universe and it is up to each individual to change their lifestyle in accord with the planet's needs, in harmony with the planet, a lifestyle that the earth can support.

There is great emphasis on each individual living their beliefs every day at every moment, living a spiritual awareness of the inter-connectedness of everything at every level.

The realisation that all is interwoven, interlinked, must surely create a change in practical life attitudes, changes that are apparent everywhere now.

 This is the “green,” practical aspect of our spirituality.  Every single one of us has to change our way of life.

Every action must be done with consideration of this planet uppermost in our minds and it's probably linked with the dire state of this planet that this sort of spirituality is so strongly emerging at this moment in time. We must not be complacent in the slightest degree.

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