Saturday, July 13, 2013

Good deeds are the seeds of happiness....

Thimmakka is a native of Karnataka, a state in the southwestern region of India. She received no formal education and worked as a casual laborer in a nearby quarry. She was married, but unfortunately she and her husband could have no children. It is said that Thimmakka started to plant banyan trees in lieu of children. Every year they planted 15 to 20 new trees until finally they had covered the whole of the 2.5 miles. In total, they planted 284 trees. They were in love with their "children." Her husband quit working for a wage to keep a vigil on his young trees and to water them. He patrolled the stretch, shooed off cattle, and watered the trees. Thimmakka worked for a wage to keep the pot boiling.

"It was a dry, hot road. Our villagers had to walk frequently on this road. So we thought it would be nice if trees came up and shaded the way," she says.

Thimmakka's work was recognized by the government. She won a lot of awards. She planted the trees and had enormous results. There is even a U.S. environmental organization, Thimmakka's Resources for Environmental Education, named after her.

Plant the seeds of happiness without expectation. One day you will receive unexpected recognition.

People today desperately need the help that we can give them. Marriages are being shattered. Children are being hurt. Individuals are living without purpose or future.

Look around. You have the opportunity to help. You will find happiness in helping people in need.

1 comment:

  1. Change the World , your motto: Service

    You can change the world, if you care about others and do small things. You can do this by appreciating, thanking, encouraging, supporting, and providing guidance for people in need. As Martin Luther King, Jr. rightly said, seek happiness for others.

    To receive, you need to give. When you give without strings attached, you attract more. You attract more friends and well-wishers. You experience happiness in giving. Charity makes you feel good and increases self-esteem. Even if you think you don't have anything to give, give anyway, and you will have more. You can give time or money for service. The greatest happiness comes from service.

    If you remember the happiest moments of life, they are traced back to you. Someone telling you, "Thank you very much, you helped me, that changed my life, or you helped me in need."

    Do one good deed. It can be something simple like appreciation, encouragement, thanking or being nice.

    If you don't do one good deed in a day, you have not lived that day.

    How much does it cost to give love, respect, and consideration to those near you? Very little--just a little extra effort. Yet love, respect, and consideration are priceless to the person receiving them.

    Good deeds are the seeds of happiness. This simple Millimeter Change develops the discipline to plant the seeds of happiness daily. You are investing for happiness. The results or favors come unexpectedly. The results will bring you happiness and meaning for life.

    Ramana Midde
