and infiltrate every molecule of the water. The minute you accept the other's existence, and the possibility of the Twin Flame's manifestation, you begin to move toward each other.
The ego's agenda is always about "getting." This is anti-love, for love is always about "giving." Love must express itself, must bathe everything and everyone within its path as it gives and gives and gives again.
You have always heard, 'when the student is ready, the teacher appears.' On the same note, when your heart is ready, your Twin Flame appears. Not because they have not been there! But because you have been unable to recognize them.
At any given moment, everything in our experience, including every single relationship, is out-picturing our inner beliefs. When our relationships are less than harmonious or if we are proving that love hurts, abandons, or disappoints, it is only an energy form from within us that is reflecting without. You could be with your beloved at this very moment and not know it, for they may be reflecting only the symbols of your inner landscape for you. Do not assume that they are unworthy or that too much water has passed under the bridge of your relationship.
You must be willing to see your current partner as your Twin Flame, and unconditionally pour forth your love to them "as if." They will act as your perfect mirror. Remember, as you move in pure love and make the call for your Twin Flame, that energy will be drawn from the First Split and will overshadow the one who can contain it. Your Twin Flame will respond magnetically by resonance with your specific individualized vibratory signature. As your Twin Flame is acknowledged, and nourished with your love and purity, your heart will begin to broadcast the signal of this vibrational resonance to bring your Twin Flame into full manifestation before you.
As your Twin Flame is brought into embodiment, it means that you heart is pure enough and loving enough to have this reflected to you in form. This means you must live from the heart and that takes effort in the face of mass consciousness, for you cannot see that for which you are not ready. If something is out of your range vibrationally, it simply cannot enter your consciousness, even if you are standing right in front of it. It requires perfect trust and faith in Love that is so powerful that it will displace the ego's view.
This does not mean abandoning the relationship you are in to go searching for your true soul's mate who is "out there somewhere."
Twin Flame love will never break up another relationship. If the relationship is out of reach, it merely means the energy is tantalizing you, but far enough away for safety (usually because of some fear you are harboring.) It means you are not allowing the manifestation of your Twin Flame. Never allow ego to use its games to justify any action that is out of integrity with love and life, for a relationship begun at the expense of pain to another with someone who has not completed the lessons where they are, cannot ever be the basis for the true Twin Flame Reunion.
Calling forth your Twin Flame means you have said "Yes" to love, that you know and own your own sovereignty and willingly surrender and give all the love you have to your beloved. Pouring this forth ceaselessly forms a magnetic attraction from a vibrational level that cannot be resisted and as it is returned magnetically to you, it is increased tenfold from your complementary pattern. If you give forth this love without limit, if your current partner cannot contain the energy, they will harmoniously leave your field.
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