Stage 1: Recognition and Temporary Spiritual Awakening
Characteristics of Stage 1:
Both Twins recognize one another at the soul level and feel as if they have met before. synchronous events surround the union. The heart chakras open and both souls quickly merge into a third unified energy. Both Twins experience an acceleration of spiritual understanding.
The purpose of the Recognition and Temporary Spiritual Awakening Stage: To activate the memory of each soul’s life mission and to help awaken each Twin to higher levels of consciousness.
Stage 2: Testing
Characteristics of Stage 2: The initial temporary spiritual awakening (illumination) fades. The ego (“little self”) begins to re-emerge. One or both Twins may attempt to fit the relationship into the “old model” of Love, couplehood and relationship as it relates to their ego desires and learned belief system. Inner conflict arises. Twins ruminate on what they were taught to believe their beloved “should be” and how relationships are supposed to serve them.
Both Twins feel simultaneously inspired and toppled by the power of the union.
Doubts creep in making one or both Twins begin to view their beloved critically or suspiciously.
The purpose of the Testing stage: To cause outdated mental concepts about relationships to rise to the surface to be cleared.
Stage 3: Crisis
Characteristics of Stage 3: The crisis of the Twin is realizing they must reject their egoic beliefs about Love relationships or reject their beloved. Having to shed “little self” or identity-based beliefs and desires to embrace a higher expression of Love can lead to stubbornness and anxiety. Fear can take hold, triggering many dysfunctional emotional patterns. In staying present with the patterns, they can be witnessed and released.
Despite fears, both Twins naturally come together in cycles for bonding, confession, forgiveness and Lovemaking. These rituals cement higher levels of consciousness into the energy fields of both Twins.
The purpose of the Crisis stage: To provide opportunities for the healing and maturing of the mental and emotional bodies.
Stage 4: The Runner Dynamic
Characteristics of Stage 4:
The human ego naturally fears annihilation in the face of the Unified Consciousness encoded inside the Twin Flame Union. The pain body rises up and old ego survival mechanisms or “bottom of the barrel” emotional and mental patterns like defiance, resistance, manipulation, anger, punishing and judgment arise.
One or both Twins become emotionally and mentally flooded with deep pain from what feels like soul-level rejection and abandonment. The unbearable soul-level pain leads one or both Twins to withdraw physically and block communication in fear and futility. One or both Twins may unsuccessfully try to re-create the original unified harmony.
The purpose of the Runner Dynamic: To propel both individuals towards God for healing and maturation of the spiritual body.
Stage 5: Surrender
Characteristics of Stage 5: The direction and outcome of the relationship is surrendered to God in full faith and trust that the Union is under Divine Protection. It is accepted that what is best and destined for the final physical harmonizing will transpire in its own time. (Both Twins must reach Illumination in order to harmonize in the physical)
The “Runner” Twin is allowed the space and freedom to choose to evolve at their own pace in their own way. At this stage, the frequency of compassion returns and maintains itself. The Surrendered Twin holds a heart space for their beloved while fully exploring life on the way to becoming an Illuminated human. This may be a time of channeling Unconditional Love into art, music, writing, teaching, active service or some other creative outlet.
The Purpose of the Surrender stage: To help each soul release the ego, develop regular communication with God and demonstrate their full trust in God to do what is best and when.
Stage 6: Self Realization, Illumination, Radiance
Characteristics of Stage 6:
The ego or “little self” dies and the God-force energy takes over the body. This leads to a complete spiritual awakening, arriving at one’s fully awakened divinity. This is the stage of radiating Divine Love rather than seeking romantic Love.
At this stage, the surrendered Twin’s emotional, mental and spiritual bodies arrive at full maturity. New creativity and healing abilities arise, which are put in service to assist others.
The Purpose of the Radiance stage:
To establish an outward flow of Divine Love through one’s body and works, which vibrates at a level that uplifts humanity.
Stage 7: Harmonizing
Characteristics of Stage 7:
By this stage both Twins have awakened. They come together in the physical to assimilate their newly evolved energies, flowing into the new dynamic of their Unified Potential. Both Twins integrate fully into the third energy of Unconditional Love in a way that influences others towards their own heart opening.
The Purpose of the Harmonizing stage:
To fulfill the intended mission of the Twin Flame Union. Twin Flame relationships come into your life to help mold you to embody the vibration of Unconditional Love.
by Jenna Forest
Both Twins recognize one another at the soul level and feel as if they have met before. synchronous events surround the union. The heart chakras open and both souls quickly merge into a third unified energy. Both Twins experience an acceleration of spiritual understanding.
The purpose of the Recognition and Temporary Spiritual Awakening Stage: To activate the memory of each soul’s life mission and to help awaken each Twin to higher levels of consciousness.
Stage 2: Testing
Characteristics of Stage 2: The initial temporary spiritual awakening (illumination) fades. The ego (“little self”) begins to re-emerge. One or both Twins may attempt to fit the relationship into the “old model” of Love, couplehood and relationship as it relates to their ego desires and learned belief system. Inner conflict arises. Twins ruminate on what they were taught to believe their beloved “should be” and how relationships are supposed to serve them.
Both Twins feel simultaneously inspired and toppled by the power of the union.
Doubts creep in making one or both Twins begin to view their beloved critically or suspiciously.
The purpose of the Testing stage: To cause outdated mental concepts about relationships to rise to the surface to be cleared.
Stage 3: Crisis
Characteristics of Stage 3: The crisis of the Twin is realizing they must reject their egoic beliefs about Love relationships or reject their beloved. Having to shed “little self” or identity-based beliefs and desires to embrace a higher expression of Love can lead to stubbornness and anxiety. Fear can take hold, triggering many dysfunctional emotional patterns. In staying present with the patterns, they can be witnessed and released.
Despite fears, both Twins naturally come together in cycles for bonding, confession, forgiveness and Lovemaking. These rituals cement higher levels of consciousness into the energy fields of both Twins.
The purpose of the Crisis stage: To provide opportunities for the healing and maturing of the mental and emotional bodies.
Stage 4: The Runner Dynamic
Characteristics of Stage 4:
The human ego naturally fears annihilation in the face of the Unified Consciousness encoded inside the Twin Flame Union. The pain body rises up and old ego survival mechanisms or “bottom of the barrel” emotional and mental patterns like defiance, resistance, manipulation, anger, punishing and judgment arise.
One or both Twins become emotionally and mentally flooded with deep pain from what feels like soul-level rejection and abandonment. The unbearable soul-level pain leads one or both Twins to withdraw physically and block communication in fear and futility. One or both Twins may unsuccessfully try to re-create the original unified harmony.
The purpose of the Runner Dynamic: To propel both individuals towards God for healing and maturation of the spiritual body.
Stage 5: Surrender
Characteristics of Stage 5: The direction and outcome of the relationship is surrendered to God in full faith and trust that the Union is under Divine Protection. It is accepted that what is best and destined for the final physical harmonizing will transpire in its own time. (Both Twins must reach Illumination in order to harmonize in the physical)
The “Runner” Twin is allowed the space and freedom to choose to evolve at their own pace in their own way. At this stage, the frequency of compassion returns and maintains itself. The Surrendered Twin holds a heart space for their beloved while fully exploring life on the way to becoming an Illuminated human. This may be a time of channeling Unconditional Love into art, music, writing, teaching, active service or some other creative outlet.
The Purpose of the Surrender stage: To help each soul release the ego, develop regular communication with God and demonstrate their full trust in God to do what is best and when.
Stage 6: Self Realization, Illumination, Radiance
Characteristics of Stage 6:
The ego or “little self” dies and the God-force energy takes over the body. This leads to a complete spiritual awakening, arriving at one’s fully awakened divinity. This is the stage of radiating Divine Love rather than seeking romantic Love.
At this stage, the surrendered Twin’s emotional, mental and spiritual bodies arrive at full maturity. New creativity and healing abilities arise, which are put in service to assist others.
The Purpose of the Radiance stage:
To establish an outward flow of Divine Love through one’s body and works, which vibrates at a level that uplifts humanity.
Stage 7: Harmonizing
Characteristics of Stage 7:
By this stage both Twins have awakened. They come together in the physical to assimilate their newly evolved energies, flowing into the new dynamic of their Unified Potential. Both Twins integrate fully into the third energy of Unconditional Love in a way that influences others towards their own heart opening.
The Purpose of the Harmonizing stage:
To fulfill the intended mission of the Twin Flame Union. Twin Flame relationships come into your life to help mold you to embody the vibration of Unconditional Love.
by Jenna Forest
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