The pineal gland has been known as the master gland, and the gland that governs over our third eye.
It is also known as the centre of psychic awareness in the human mind.
It is smaller than a bean and is located inside a 'cave' behind the pituitary gland.
This amazing gland produces a hormone you may have heard about, melatonin which regulates human daily body rhythms that deal directly with the day and night cycles.
Many people don't know how important this gland is, since it affects every system in your body physically and it has the potential to determine the expansion or contraction of your psychic awareness, consciousness, and experience with the divine, therefore the best way to nourish it is to take sunlight through the pupils(sun gazing), the best time to do this is from 6:00am to 7:00am, since this nourishes and won't hurt your eyes or your skin.
What you eat is very important.
Many people don't know how important this gland is, since it affects every system in your body physically and it has the potential to determine the expansion or contraction of your psychic awareness, consciousness, and experience with the divine, therefore the best way to nourish it is to take sunlight through the pupils(sun gazing), the best time to do this is from 6:00am to 7:00am, since this nourishes and won't hurt your eyes or your skin.
What you eat is very important.
Try consume sun-dried veggies such as seeweed, vegetables that contain high amounts of vitamin D, many vitamins family, and iodine and properly distributes them to the appropriate systems of the body. Dark leafy greens like kale, turnip greens, mustard greens, bok choy, collard greens, etc. are extremely nourishing.
Limit meat consumption, including fish that has high amounts of mercury. Carbonated beverages, fluoridated water and toothpaste, and smog negatively affect the pineal gland and can block its ability to function properly. When you consume meat you are ingesting the animals DNA, including the positive and negative experiences of the animal, which interferes with the ability of the pineal gland to take on its own psychic awareness and blueprint individual.
Activate your pineal gland by eating more raw foods, a vegan or vegetarian diet, running an ozone machine in your home to clean the air, and drinking filtered water.
Limit meat consumption, including fish that has high amounts of mercury. Carbonated beverages, fluoridated water and toothpaste, and smog negatively affect the pineal gland and can block its ability to function properly. When you consume meat you are ingesting the animals DNA, including the positive and negative experiences of the animal, which interferes with the ability of the pineal gland to take on its own psychic awareness and blueprint individual.
Activate your pineal gland by eating more raw foods, a vegan or vegetarian diet, running an ozone machine in your home to clean the air, and drinking filtered water.
Sleep is also important, the pineal gland is activated by production of serotonin, which is produced when the brain is asleep. Consume almonds, bananas, rice, hot peppers, potatoes and black eyes peas to increase serotonin production, which can also nourish and feed the pineal gland.
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