Sunday, October 30, 2011

Is The World Going Crazy?

-Untold wars
-the suppression of the poor and weak
-deception by our political and religious leaders
-racial biases
-materialistic self-gratification and over-indulgences
-the destruction of our planet to feed our greed
-the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few 
-the social injustice all over the planet because of it. 

We now find ourselves shifting from the Age of Pisces, which has lasted some 2,160 years, to that of Aquarius, whose birth is taking place as you read these words. In other words, we are in an astrological twilight zone where one age is overlapping with another, where one age is dying and another is being born, where the old and the new will exist side by side for a short period of time. 

For a while, it will feel as though we are being pulled in different directions and that our world is strange and confusing. However, with time, the influence of Aquarius will be felt more and more and it will have a profound impact on our future destiny.
During the past 50 years, an incredible wave of spiritual wisdom in the form of channeled information, Native American teachings, Far Eastern ancient insights, UFO sightings, crop circles and other mind- expanding happenings has washed over this planet. 
In addition, there has been a spectacular explosion of the information age that has combined to awaken the consciousness of humanity and raise its collective awareness in ways never thought possible. 

We are leaving an age of fear and giving birth to an age of love and peace. Because of it, there is a sweeping change taking place on this planet today that is affecting everyone, as the final moments of Pisces fade into the past. We are witnessing an incredible event in which all that is based upon fear is crumbling before our very eyes and its demise will bring all of our insecurities to the surface. 

At the same time, all that is based upon love will flourish and this new energy will replace any ego-based motives or intentions that we might have. This shift is inevitable and irreversible. There will be those that try to resist its influence. However, no one will be spared from the sweeping changes that go with it.

As with any birth, the Age of Aquarius will come with some pain before the joy and ecstasy sets in. Chaos and confusion will exist in the twilight zone of this Pisces-to-Aquarius, fear-to-love shift. It will last for a while, it will continue to intensify, and it will seem as if the world has truly gone mad. 

Today there are two forces crashing head to head with one another at this point in time; the spiritual forces of Love and Light and the material forces of darkness and control. At stake is human destiny. All of it is sandwiched between an age of fear that is dying and a New Age of Love that is birthing. 

This is the root cause of all the madness that swirls around us more and more each day, making it appear as if the world is going crazy. I assure you it is not. There is divine perfection in it all. The forces of Love and Light will prevail and Aquarius will indeed be a time of peace and harmony.

What should you do in the interim, while all the madness intensifies over the next 10 years or so? As you awaken spiritually, you will discover that there is a sacred place inside each of us called a "God-Spot." It's a space where you will find your inner peace and your inner strength. It's a place where you feel secure and comforted by the love of your Source, knowing that all is well and that nothing is
bigger and stronger than your Oneness with Spirit. 

Each of us has our own ways of finding that spot and grounding ourselves within its magical influence.
*walks along a stream,
*being with like-minded souls,
*avoiding negative influences and energy,
*healthy foods,
*reading your spiritual books,
*communing with your guides,
*listening for messages from the spirit world that are constantly sent to us,
*the love and support of a spiritual mate,
and so on are just some of the things you can do to stay in your Spirit-Spot. 

Saturday, October 29, 2011

What is the purpose of life? The Aim

In Saint-Exupery’s most famous novella, the main character of the Little Prince leaves his tiny planet, an asteroid no bigger than a house, to see what he can discover about the rest of the universe. He visits six other asteroids – each of which is inhabited by just one adult who is foolish in his own way.

He visits the King, who apparently reigns over the stars but only by ordering them to do what they would normally do anyway.

He encounters the Conceited Man, who wants to be admired by everyone; he cannot hear anything that is not a compliment, but he lives alone on his planet.

The Little Prince meets the Drunkard, who drinks to forget,

and the Businessman who is constantly busy counting the stars he thinks he owns. He wishes to use them to buy more stars.

On one asteroid, he finds the Lamplighter, who lights and extinguishes the lamp once a minute, at the rotation speed of his asteroid, endlessly, uselessly, getting no rest.

And he encounters the Geographer, who spends all of his time with his nose in astronomic maps, but never leaves his desk to examine his own planet.

Ordinary men as we know them are like the solitary inhabitants of the asteroids visited by the Prince. Each one is locked in his own world, in the prison of his role, sealed in a bubble of vanity and egocentricity, constantly busy in a hypnotic concept of work, doing what they do not love, in places and with people they have not chosen.

But moreover we are most perfectly represented by the railway Switchman whom the Little Prince meets on the seventh planet: the Earth. He is the most emblematic character study on the absurdity and ridiculousness of the human condition. In his mirror we can see the parody of ourselves – our deformed image and the allegory of our lives. The Switchman tells the prince how passengers constantly rush from one place to another aboard trains – never satisfied with where they are, and not knowing what they are after, with only the children amongst them bothering to look out of the windows.

 *Where are we heading?
 *What is our journey’s destiny?
 *What is our aim in life?

We never stop in silence and solitude to take time to muse on these crucial questions.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Part 3

I've reached a point in life where I no longer believe that these kinds of spontaneous events happen randomly or by accident.

On the contrary, I am quite convinced that prior to incarnating we planned the general theme of such events. Then, when in body, they occur with those individuals we chose to experience them with at certain stages of our lives.

I also believe that prior to incarnating we review the most recent life we've had, as well as our other past lives. Then, with free will, we choose our next life and what, if anything, we want to accomplish with it.

Once that decision is made our parents, siblings, best friends, and lovers are chosen. We also decide where we want to live, our profession and so on. All of this is done to suit our goals and the goals of others who will be part of our next life drama. 

part 2...Here are some typical examples…

     An unexpected blind date that leads to lifetime partnership.

A unplanned, delayed airplane flight that brings you and a future business partner together.

Without warning, you lose your job. Several months later another company hires you and you meet your future wife there.

A university unexpectedly accepts you. You go there, meet your best friend, have a relationship and discover many things about yourself that affect your life path.

You receive a surprise bonus at work. With it you take a long weekend vacation, during which you meet an editor who wants to publish the book you have written.

Your father passes on, you relocate to be with your mother, work for a local company and meet your future husband there.

You change universities to play football, attend a class, meet someone you recognize, but never met before, and have a profound relationship that teaches you many things.

Out of nowhere a thought comes into your mind that helps you paint your first successful picture.

During a dream you receive inspiration for your first novel.
You visit a metaphysical bookstore, pick up someone's business card, and meet your twin soul.

Your sister gives you a New Age book during a severe life crisis and you experience a profound spiritual awakening that puts you on a new path in life.

You stoop down to help a homeless person and the tears of thankfulness you've created inspires you to join the Peace Corp, which in turn leads to a life of service for humanity.

You stop to save someone's life who has been in a car accident. You are so moved by the incident you decide to become a physician.

Unexpected events are NO accident...part 1

There are two forces that can influence the path of one's life while one is in body.

The first force occurs when we use our minds to change and create a new reality on our own. For example, we can decide to go to the store, sell the house, sit on the porch, change jobs, take a vacation, wash the car, take a walk, look out the window, brush our teeth, write a book and so on. These kinds of choices take place all the time and we make hundreds, if not thousands, of them each day.

The second force that influences our earthly journey is a far more interesting one, if we are interested in learning about the life plan we made for ourselves before incarnating. Out of nowhere this "force" can bring unexpected events, circumstances or people into our lives creating change and a new life path in its wake.

These kinds of spontaneous, unplanned experiences happen to all of us at various times in our lives. Unfortunately, they are usually written off as accidents or coincidences. They are not.

Monday, October 24, 2011

The "Death" Of Ego

"Die before you die"

You cannot live, nor can you be free, until you have died. This has nothing to do with physical death. Rather, it has to do with the experience of "death" of a part of your mind that is keeping you from remembering who you really are.

What do those words mean? Each of us on this planet has a separate self or an ego that has become self-centered and selfish throughout the many physical lives we’ve spent attached to this planet. This is not how we were prior to the Fall of mankind.

How did it all happen? In the beginning, we were all ONE with our Source. We then entered the physical universe with free will and the ability to create all that our minds could conceive. We were always God-centered and never separated from our Creator because of it. 

Millions of years ago our spirits discovered planet Earth and the 3-dimensional ways of life She had to offer. It was a magnificent place, a Garden of Eden. In order to experience the wonders of this planet, we had to lower the vibrations of our Light bodies to that of 3-dimensional reality. We knew that this denser form of existence was full of risk, but that did not stop us. 

We were faced with two choices. We could appreciate and enjoy Earth, but not get attached to the offerings of her physical world. Or we could loose our oneness with God and separate from our Source by losing ourselves in Earth's material pleasures. Sadly, we made the lesser choice, lost our God-centeredness and eventually forgot who we really are.

If we want to be free spirits again, as we once were, we’ll have to wake up and remember our true spiritual nature and divine connection. We’ve accumulated a lot of negative karma while going through the many reincarnational, life-death cycles since the Fall. In order to balance this karma, all will have to be healed in love and forgiveness.

Ego's function was, and still is, a useful safety mechanism to protect us in a 3-dimensional environment. For example, the quick response we have when jumping out of the way of an on-rushing car is the ego's way of protecting us. This fear-based mechanism is healthy. However, over many lifetimes of trying to survive in a physical body, the ego has grown out of control. As a result, fear dominates the way we think and act. 

How do we solve this problem? We need to awaken from our material dream and remember that we are really Beings of Light whose true nature is unconditional love and God-centeredness. That in turn will lead to higher choices based upon unselfishness, understanding, humility, caring, giving, forgiveness, sharing and compassion.

In the process of trying to live such a life, we will go through a profound inner change that is incredible. It’s as though we are wiping the dust off our eyes, as we begin to remember who we really are. 

Can all of this be done in just a single lifetime? I don’t think so. It takes tremendous amount of courage and discipline to lead such a life. But we have to begin sometime, if we want to be free again.

As we live a spiritually balanced life, we'll find the ego reacting in a very defensive way. The ego wants to be the source of all the choices we make in life and is afraid of losing control over us. The ego will continue with this struggle and will use fear as a means of maintaining control. The best way to handle this is to reassure the ego that it has nothing to fear. Tell it that you love it unconditionally, but you no longer want it to dictate the path of your life anymore.

The closer you get to relinquishing the ego's influence, the more clever it will become. It will tempt you with all it can to preserve a way of being that keeps you grounded in your lower self and separated from God. 

Sooner or later, you will have to experience the "death" of your ego in order to reach enlightenment. Once free from fear, life is lived with great feeling, great zest and our actions are no longer controlled by what we are afraid of.

Spiritual awakening, meditation, exposing one’s self to the universal Truths, living a life of unselfish love, self-discipline, and so on puts enormous pressure on the ego and eventually begins to diminish its influence.

The pain of this experience, along with releasing our attachments to the material pleasures of this world, can build to a point where it is called spiritual crisis or the dark night of the soul.

Spiritual crisis is a cleansing process that one must go through to reach partial or total ego death. It can be a very devastating experience that is filled with much depression and despair. But if you can hang on, if you can endure the suffering with patience, acceptance and surrender, you will have a conscious "death" experience and become much closer to God for having experienced it. 

I am quite convinced that we will have to go through many ego death experiences, big and small, before the last vestige of fear, selfishness and separation has been removed from us. At that point our cup will be emptied. The dross will have been burned off and we will be who we truly are; God-centered spirits who are free to roam the universe once again.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

When Love incarnates...11

The longing for our perfect mate is a need engraved in our DNA.

We harbor a desire for restoration and unity, and search for the piece that is always missing.

In our journey through life, the search continues for something that can't be readily found.

It is a quest for wholeness.

We search for ourselves in others in a quest for healing and integration, in the constant pursuit of the final point of balance: the Zero Point where our Matter meets our Higher Self or Soul, where matter meets anti-matter.

The Point or center of gravity from where we can again be just ONE.
One Note inserted once again into the Symphony of Creation.

In the beginning, the Twins were created in God, the Alpha and the Omega.

In an ovoid white-fire-spirit-light, the Soul was split just like the atom into two identical parts, or Twin Flames: each with the same identical soul blueprint, but with different purposes.

One Essence divided itself into two exactly equal and opposite intonations in order to experience form. The Twin Flames were created together, in the dawn of time, like the two faces of the same coin.

But as the three-dimensional experience unfolded, they became separated by a dualistic system which pulled them into an unbalanced equilibrium, expressing itself through two extended and separated forms.

The Yin Yang symbolizes the Twin Flames' complementary sides: eternal love spiraling into infinity. The Color of this sublime Union is blue...a spiraling blue...

Sometimes, we meet someone with the similar frequency of our Twin Flame and this brings a feeling of Oneness.

The Love between Twin Flames is a Gate of Possibility to experience Union in a multi-dimensional way.

It can also represent the prototype of the "sacred marriage" - a reflection of the sacred union of the Divine Masculine and Feminine within the Source.

The Union of the Twin Flame is one of Service. It should not be romanticized in the context by which one perceives the male and female relationship. The Service of the Twin Flame is not only planetary but also cosmic and Universal.

The Twin Soul connection is always a triad involving the Divine Spirit / All That Is.

Two people connected by Soul, connected to God.

The spiritual connection with our Twin Soul is intense and profound.

Many may experience, whether consciously or in a dream state, a feeling of connection in the form of a matrix of golden white threads of light, because this connection continues to exist in various dimensions and frequencies, beyond the realms of duality.

Twin Souls may not unite physically here on Earth. The relationship may last many lifetimes on the spiritual level alone, while one or both may be living physically with another soul in karmic agreement.

They may not be together in this dimension, but they have not been truly apart.

Only when both original halves of the Twin Ray become strong pillars on their own, when both have healed and resolved their karmic ties in the present life; can they finally unite to fulfill their Divine Purpose.

The Breath of God is the force of Divine Action. Once the true Tonal Mates, the two parts of the Original Twin Flame, have come into union and are reunited through the Breath of God; NO element or energy from any octave, dimension, or frequency can shift the connection.

The reunion of these parts will bring back to the world an unconditional love and service to mankind, which will transcend all definitions of male/female unions on this planet.

Through this, we as souls can finally manifest the higher Dimensional Frequencies of Oneness.

This is the ultimate goal: the reunion with our Twin, to create and amplify the Harmonic Intonation of Completion and to be of service of all Sources of Goodness and Pure Light.

Are You Prepared To Serve?


" In the beginning, just before the physical universe in which we live was created, God called all the spirits  together and told them that they would soon be going into the new world.

It was made just for them so that they could experience and feel things that weren't possible in the Absolute, where unspeakable joy and unconditional love for all made us ONE.

However, in the Absolute, all we could do was know things. But it was not possible to experience or feel them, because there were no  opposites or conflicts there.

God explained that in order to feel and experience things everything in the physical universe had to have an opposite. So, for joy there was sadness, for love there was fear, for health there was sickness, for light there was darkness, for anger there was forgiveness, for male there was female, and so on. 

In the Absolute, we knew of these things, but that wasn't enough. What we really wanted was to go beyond the knowingness. We wanted to experience and feel what we knew and so did God, through us. 

God Stood before all the assembled spirits and described the different emotions that could be experienced in the new universe. One of the spirits ran forward and said "There is so much to choose from, but what I'd really like to experience and feel is forgiveness." God smiled and said that was a wonderful choice.
God then explained to the eager spirit that forgiveness could not be experienced or felt unless there was at least one other spirit involved.

Forgiveness, or any other emotion, could not be experienced alone. There had to be at least two spirits involved in such a drama. No sooner did God say this when another spirit ran forward excitedly and said "I'll be the other person... I'll volunteer!"

God then explained to the two spirits that in order for forgiveness to occur, one spirit would have to hurt the other spirit in some way, whether it be physically, emotionally or both. This would cause pain, suffering and anger. That would be the only way forgiveness of one for the other could be felt or experienced.

The first spirit said it still wanted to experience forgiveness, because unconditional love for another was the highest choice one could make and the grandest feeling one could experience. God smiled warmly at both of them.

The other spirit looked at his friend and said "I will be the one who hurts you. But, when I do, try to remember that I'm doing this out of unconditional love... so that you may experience and feel compassion and forgiveness for me."

Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Path To extract

" My old belief systems have been replaced with universal truths.    

My sister gave me a New Age/Spiritual book that began a very profound awakening process experience.

I am no longer influenced by religious dogmas of fear.

My old self has died and a new me has been born.

I have gone through a quite a bit of ego death.

I have gone through a profound spiritual transformation.

I find that I have relinquished my ties to a life style and a conventional wisdom that kept me stuck to the physical world. They no longer hold any importance for me.

I find that I have distanced myself from every connection that, at one time or another, gave my life definition and structure.

Every once in a while there is a slight twinge of nostalgia for my old way of life, but it has given way to a profound cleansing process that has rearranged my inner world.

I've left behind my stake in the material world in order to follow a path that is decidedly spiritual in focus.

It is no longer possible for me to continue living as I once did.

There has been a radical turnabout in my approach to life and living.

Material things have no value to me any more.

I realize that the profound, spiritual transformation I've experienced has truly left me in an interesting place. It's as though I now live in two separate realities, which co-exist side by side in my everyday world.

I am still able to sense and understand the 3-dimensional reality whose energies, truths and belief systems are now different than mine, because my "old self" occupied that very same space not too long ago.

The other reality I'm aware of, the 4th dimension, is a new place my consciousness and I have shifted and expanded into, one that has a decidedly different energy, vibration and belief system that is far more spiritual than material.
Today 3-dimensional reality feels foreign to me. And yet I appreciate and bless the important role it played in my ongoing spiritual growth and inner journey. At the same time I am also acutely aware of my new space, and can sense both realities simultaneously.

I also realize that those individuals who continue to be limited by 3-dimensional reality can easily identify with and sense their space and belief system, but not the new one I've shifted into. 

I'm not alone on this one. I know other spiritually transformed people who can simultaneously sense and understand these two realities just as I do.
Most of the time I am God-centered and live in the moment with Spirit, who guides all that I do. I am constantly trying to improve on this. 

Whatever comes into my life these days, be it abundance, a new path to follow and so on is totally co-created with my Source. I simply go where Spirit takes me.

I have become fully aware that my focus and my whole sense of identity has shifted. And that many who know me view my role in the world differently.

I find I can only share my soul thoughts and feelings with those of a similar mindset and vibration.

It is no longer possible for me to follow a path and way of life defined by old, cultural conditionings.

As a result of my inner purging and the coming into spiritual awareness, I no longer fear death because I know I cannot die.

No longer do I strive for individual gain or distinction, all of which are ego-based needs.

In spite of all the radical changes that have happened to my life and myself, I trust the process of inner change I've experienced.

I seems I have risen above the circumstances that are going on in the physical world and for the first time I can see what is happening.

I now realize that the spiritual evolution of the soul is a fact, that I am not the same being I was 15 years ago and won't be the same 15 years from now.

Because of my inner transformation, I have experienced doubts, depression, rootlessness, bliss, amazement, tears, gratitude, physical hardship and so many other emotions, as I undergo cleansing and transformation. It's not easy, but I try to accept all of it as part of the process.

I now realize and am very grateful for every situation I find myself in because each is filled with divine perfection and each has a cosmic purpose and meaning. Even if I don't recognize it at the time.

I am no longer concerned about financial security. I trust the guidance of my highest Self and depend upon God for all.

I feel as if I have undergone a sudden, drastic and thorough annihilation of my being, during which I often questioned my own sanity. I now realize that all of it resulted in a giant leap in consciousness and spiritual awareness.

I have tried to sever all connections to those things which drain my energy, without judging their source.

I also fully trust the notion that as I am cleaned out, and as I realign with the divine purpose for which I volunteered this lifetime, my new path will be made clear."

Transmutation Process

For many who are awakening, this has not been the most enjoyable experience physically. Symptoms of

*a desire to be out of the rat race,
*lack of focus and concentration,
*sleeping for long periods of time,
*a desire to find inner peace come and go.

There are times when your feelings may be more intense. You might get angry or impatient in a way that comes as a complete surprise to you. Perhaps you are over emotional, cry a lot, feel things deeply. Try to rest easy. These changes are a part of the transmutation process.    

Friday, October 21, 2011

How will you know you have met your twin?

*Chances are you've met through a set of unusual circumstances that were totally unplanned and unexpected.

*There is a powerful, instantaneous feeling that you have known the other before.
You felt an immediate and deep connection for one another.

*There is an electrifying feeling between the two of you that words cannot describe.

*The relationship is immediate, as though no time had been lost since you were last together.

*It feels as though you had never really lived before the reunion occurred.

*You feel a deep sense of sacredness and unity with God that you've have never known before.

*It brings on feelings you never thought possible.

*The two of you are inseparable.

*When you look into each other's eyes, time and space have no meaning.

*There are no barriers between the two of you. The relationship is a totally open one.
Your conversations seem to go on forever.

*The two of you have a strong urge to serve humanity in a deep and meaningful way.

*You give to the other and never think of receiving in return.

*There is a special sacredness to your relationship that transcends anything you've ever experienced before.

*You still have karma with your twin from previous lives, but the two of you resolve it all with total forgiveness and unconditional love.

*Neither one of you are dependent on the other for your sense of self.

*There is a strong sense of unlimitedness eternity to your feelings.

*Your feelings for each other are very spiritual.

*There are no restrictions within the relationship. All is freedom without the need for ownership or control.

*The two of you know without doubt that you have been brought together for a reason.

*You do not compete with one another nor do you pretend to be other than who you are.

*In spite of your sameness, there is no doubt you feel a sense of completion through the other.

*Trust, patience and acceptance of each other's weaknesses happen automatically.

*There is a great sense of purpose and meaning to the relationship.

*Your sexuality with one another is a sacred act that celebrates the unconditional love you have for one another.

*The two of you become more and more one, without losing your individual identities.

*When you look into the other's eyes, you see yourself.

*You experience a sense of completeness that is without comparison.

*The degree of intimacy and friendship the two of you develop is without parallel.

*You recognize that the two of you are Godmates.

When two twins are to ready to reunite as spiritual partners

When two twins are to ready to reunite as spiritual partners, the Universe will create the special forces necessary to bring them together for another moment in time. However, the search for the other must first begin, as a search within each of the twins themselves before lasting reunion is possible. Each has to discover his or her individual spiritual nature and God-centeredness. Then they must do their best to live it on a daily basis and foster one another's spiritual growth and evolution.

There are no dependencies in a twin soul relationship because the sense of identity has been developed within each of the partners. To reach that point, a strong sense of self and a certain degree of internal balance and happiness must first be nurtured and achieved. Then, during reunion, the essence of one simply flows into the essence of the other to create the completeness. There is no effort involved

It is also impossible for twin souls to remain separated on any kind of permanent basis. When in relationship, they will continue to have conflicts. However, they will be driven to resolve these conflicts and any past karma as quickly as possible. Nothing is left unsaid. Nothing is left to chance. Assumptions never enter their minds. All is out in the open.

 Neither sits, pouts and wonders who will make the first move at "making up." There are no games, no secrets, no clinging to the other. There is no pretending. There is no deception. There is no fear of reprisal for anything they do or say, because unconditional love is the foundation upon which their relationship has been built. 

In essence, twin souls can just be their open, honest selves with minimal influence from the ego. And as each conflict resolves, the bond of love between them takes on renewed meaning and strength. 


"Out of the original unity of being there is a fragmentation and dispersal of beings, the last stage being the splitting  of one (twin) soul into two. And consequently, love is the search by each half for the other half on earth or in heaven...

As twin souls are so alike to begin with, it seems necessary for them to go their separate ways before they can complete each other. Identity and complementarity are the two driving forces and axes of love... For the complete being there must be a blending of the two.


Awakening to our true spiritual nature takes us on a inner journey that leads to the opposite of separation, which is reunion. As you can well imagine, reunion brings with it feelings of love, joy, bliss and ecstasy.

At that moment, the soul begins to crave oneness with its Source. Part of this hunger will be satisfied by reunion with our twin. From what I read, this is when the journey home to our Source begins in earnest.

Our spiritual awakening will eventually inspire us to question, and then cause us to discard, the false beliefs we have about traditional relationships, which are primarily ego driven and fear based.

We will discover that, in order to have a lasting, fulfilling and meaningful partnership, the positive energy of unconditional love will have to replace the negative influence of the ego. 

Reunion of twin souls

Soon after our souls were created, we left the joy and bliss of the Absolute to enter and experience the physical universe, in which we currently find ourselves. Originally we were ONE complete soul, one family, one Being. There was no separation, just complete joy and unspeakable bliss.

However, when we left the Absolute to enter our universe of duality and opposites, all of that changed.
The ONE Soul, which was originally whole, began to separate and divide into smaller and smaller fragments of Itself over the ages. This occurred so that we could eventually relate to one another as races, nations, and families, or as individuals while in the physical universe of opposites. 

As the splitting of the ONE occurred, relationships were born. And it is through relationships that we create opportunities to know ourselves, to remember our divine origin, to seek reunion and oneness with one another and eventually return to our Source. The twin relationship plays a very important role in all of this, as part of the divine, cosmic plan. 

At the end of the cycle of division, our individual souls made one final and very painful decision. We separated from our twin, the other half of our soul-self, when we lost our way on planet Earth and became physical man and physical woman. We did this for a reason.

As part of the divine plan, separation had to be experienced at all soul levels. This included twins within the same soul, so that we could initially experience and feel what separation was like

Then, when the time was right, we would reverse the entire process and experience the ecstatic joy of reunion.

Over the ages, and throughout our many lifetimes, the experiences and feelings of separation constantly reminded us of our yearning and craving for completion with our Source and with our twin.

That inner hunger for wholeness is why we search for romance and relationship. That is why we have families. That also is why we seek God. We are trying to re-create the same oneness we felt in the beginning. 

At some magical moment in cosmic time, each of us will reach a point during our personal growth and evolution where separation is no longer the path of choice for us. The signal that would ignite the experience of soul reunion would be our spiritual awakening.

In the process, we would also remember and realize that we are divine Beings of Light. 

Twin Souls

The two halves of one soul have been called twin souls, twin vibrations, twin rays or twin flames.

Said another way, you only have one twin aspect of your soul in the entire universe who vibrates at the same frequency of light that you do.

Twin Soul Relationships

"And when one of them meets with his other half, the actual half of himself, the pair are lost in an amazement of love and friendship and intimacy and one will not be out of the other's sight even for a moment."

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Synchronous Events

What is a synchronous event? It's an experience or circumstance that comes into our lives when we least expect it to happen. What sets these mysterious happenings apart is that they are always unplanned and unexpected. A blind date that leads to life partnership, an unexpected phone call that pulls us away from tragedy, a job opportunity that suddenly opens, a gift of money when we need it most, a dream that turns out to be true, an unexpected admissions to a college we never thought was possible, are just a few examples.

Where do these events come from? How do they happen? Why do they happen? Do they have a purpose? What is the force that makes them happen?

In general, here is what others and I believe...

- Nothing happens by accident in God's universe or in our lives.

- Thus, there is no such thing as a coincidence.

- Prior to coming to this planet we create a life plan.

- That plan is made with free will. Nobody forces it on us.

- Our life-plan is made after we review our previous lives
   and experiences.

- Our life plan is made with others, such as our parents,
   siblings, best friends, lovers, etc., who will be part of
   our in-body drama.

- The more evolved we are the more our life plan
   centers around spiritual growth and service to others.

- We may want to learn patience, forgiveness, compassion,
   tolerance and so on during our next life.

- We may want to experience being blind, poor, rich, etc.

- Or we may choose to do nothing with our life.

- Our guardian angels/spirit guides know our plan.

- It is also possible to overrule parts or all of our plan
   while on Earth.

- However, overruling our original plan is not the wisest
   choice. It creates confusion in our lives.

Events will unfold in our lives according to the schedule
   we've laid out for ourselves when making our life plan.

- While in body we are constantly making choices and
   creating our reality.

- This too is done with free will.

- And yet, there is "something" going on in the background
   of life that guides us at unexpected moments.

- This influence is happening at a higher level and for
   good purpose

- That purpose is to ensure that our life plan unfolds.

- Another purpose is to provide us ongoing guidance in
   our lives.

- We need to learn how to listen to our guidance.

- Pay special attention to any event or clue that
   happens three or more times.

- Look for patterns and repeated themes within the

- Often times the messages we receive are symbolic
   and we need to decipher them.

- If things fall into place as if by magic, most likely
   you're on the right path.

- If you meet resistance or dead-ends, seriously
   reconsider the choice you've made. Most likely it is
   not consistent with your life plan.


There are many in these times who are inclined to dismiss the information about the seriousness of the times to come...

the purging... that is inevitable... And that cleansing the planet of its physical and karmic filth is not a negative but rather a positive."


Once you have dedicated yourself totally to a spiritually focused life direction and relinquished *resistance
*fears and
you will be ready to experience the depth of soul enrichment that will serve to heighten and summarize all that preceded it.

The classic signposts on the path of spiritual transformation

*profound doubts
*a sense of loss of orientation
*the devoidance of material evidences of  security
*rifts with close family and former friends
*the sense of being in living limbo
*waiting for a sign... are all the classic signposts on the path of those destined for spiritual transformation in this timeframe.


The question arises frequently as to why, suddenly, life seems to have taken a radical turn in a direction that is, quite often, unexpected.

Individuals leading what could be considered to be quite 'normal' lives suddenly encounter a teacher, a book, or a life-altering event  of an experiential nature wherein a thought is re-awakened that had been waiting patiently, dormantly, for its appointed moment...

Ultimately it is not possible to continue living as one had been.

around 2012

At the moment of climax , a fork will exist in the road. Those who have heard the calling will go down one path to a higher realm of vibration.

 Those who do not respond to the calling and the opportunity it presents, will journey down another road and remain in the 3rd dimension. These souls will be cared for as they continue to learn and grow in the ways of love until another opportunity to respond presents itself during another Age. 

The Calling

"Many have called out in prayer for answers and insights into the experience of transformation that has become a fact of life in these times. Many have undergone radical changes that have shaken their world to its core.

These teachings have been provided, as an outstretched hand, to those in the throes of that transition. For, as you will come to understand, you are, most assuredly, not alone."

Sunday, October 16, 2011


With Spiritual Astronomy we are HERE to Realize the Light. Conceive of an Earth where peace and justice prevail. The New Earth is our perfected Earth, even as envisioned at the beginning with a perfect Garden of Eden. 

 Spiritually actualize the Light of Sirius in your own reality
and assist in realizing Earth's glorious destiny.

The Great Year ... Maha Yuga

In variance with the Mayan calendar, the Hindu teachings describe how the Great Year is made up of four ages, or Yugas, each approximately 6,480 years in length (either way, both the Mayan calendar and Hindu wisdom agree that we are now at the extreme end of the Great cycle).

Based upon the Yuga count, we are living out the final moments of the fourth age, the Kali Yuga or Iron Age, when humanity sinks to its lowest level.

And we are told that such an ending will have profound implications for our cosmic evolution.

The Wheel of Time ...Kalachakra

Almost one thousand years ago, in another part of the world far from the Maya, an Indian yogi named Somanatha brought the Wheel of Time to Tibet. Soon thereafter, the first incarnate lama, Karmapa, added refinements to the Wheel's dates. 

The Wheel of Time contains a profound prophecy. It tells us that 960 years after its introduction in Tibet in 1027 A.D., the end of time would come 25 years thereafter. Adding 960 to 1027 brings us to the year 1987. Add the remaining 25 years to this date and one arrives at 2012, the end of the Mayan calendar!    

The Hopi

It doesn't stop there. The Hopi, whose name means "people of peace," have sacred traditions that go back thousands of years. Their time-honored teachings point to certain prophecies that would manifest just before a great purification takes place on planet Earth.

The purification would be a time when the world would shudder and tremble causing much destruction in order to cleanse the planet of the karmic negativity we have created while serving as its caretakers. Not too long ago, the Hopis said that those prophecies have now completed. It appears that the time for purification is upon us, as we approach 2012.  

The Peruvian Shamans

The Hopi's friends, the Peruvian shamans, have recently come forward to tell us that sometime between the years 2002 to 2012 the world will be shaken and transformed in ways that will be difficult to comprehend. It will be a time in which our reality will be turned inside out, upside down and completely restructured.

These same shamans also say that something very profound will occur this time around, with a possible break occurring between spiritually awakened individuals and those who are not.


"These same shamans told Dr. Villoldo that the world was truly coming to an end...that the planet would be transformed over the next few years in ways beyond our current ability to comprehend.

These shamans referred to the time period 2002 to 2012 as 'Pachacuti,' the time when everything is turned upside down and reality is restructured."  

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Love or Fear ?

"Every human thought, and every human action, is based in either love or fear... Yet if you knew Who You Are - that you are the most magnificent, the most remarkable, the most splendid being God ever created - you would never fear."

Those who choose a life of love and live it will be heading into a higher dimension of vibration filled with love, peace and harmony. These will be the beginning years of the Golden Age that has been alluded to ages ago in ancient prophecies.

On the other hand, those who choose a life of fear will remain behind in a lower dimension until they are ready to make love-based choices a part of their lives. 

If you find fear in your life, try not to let it get the best of you. In fact, bless it and then release it to the Universe. Why bless it? Because it serves as a very useful reference point. And, without, it, we'd never be able to choose, experience and feel the joys of love.    

‎"Love is what we are born with. Fear is what we have learned here... An ancient memory of this love haunts all of us all the time, and beckons us to return."


" We're becoming more intelligent as a human race. Many of us have recognized the lies, the deceptions, and we are tired of them. It has reached the point where we no longer want to depend on others for answers to the spiritual questions we ask. There is a lot of guidance out there, and if we sift through it all, we'll find the Truth. Thankfully, it cannot be tarnished beyond recognition by others who would have it their way. 

Throughout human history, we have always been sent the messengers, the teachers we need, and the spiritual warriors who have come and gone to show us a different way and remind us that we are not alone. You know them. Over the centuries their theme has always been the same.

They were the humble ones who devoted their lives to the service of humanity. Their gentle message has always been one of love, peace, compassion, and forgiveness. At the same time, they would remind us of our individual freedoms, and then call on us to take personal responsibility for our actions. 

Other times these magnificent messengers would ask us to question, but not force us to change, our social, political and religious beliefs. They were also the ones who, for the most part, have been crucified in one way or another for fearlessly speaking and living the Truth. For those in power, that was a serious threat.

What really did them in was the message that we are quite capable of making all the decisions necessary for our own spiritual growth and enlightenment by simply finding God, the Truth, within ourselves. In other words, each and every one of us has direct access to the divine, and we don't need anyone else to make that sacred connection for us.

That message is finding serious takers today. The seeds of wisdom that have been planted over the centuries are beginning to emerge. Slowly but surely many of us are searching for the Truth, and in the process we find ourselves waking from the material dream we've been in for so long. Then we begin to remember our real origin and cosmic purpose. There have been many who have visited our planet and lived the truth. Most of us know them by the powerful example they left behind. Their story was always the same, and their message was loud and clear.

I am truly humbled by their passion and desire to serve humanity. Many others we are not aware of have done the same. Always for the same reasons. What incredible love and courage. "  

The shift to 4th dimensional reality

Today, through spiritual awakening, inner change, and personal transformation,  "the new you" & your ever expanding consciousness are moving into a higher energy or reality... the 4th dimension.

As an analogy, think of the 3rd and 4th dimensions as being two boxes or two different spaces separate from one another.

And here is the big eureka. Even though you find yourself shifting into a different space, your body and your expanding awareness are still existing side by side with the old reality. And you are aware of both "boxes" simultaneously!

Thus, as you walk down the street, you are able to sense the old reality you once occupied. You are aware of the people who are still in it. You may even interact with them, but you no longer feel attached to or associated with that space or energy anymore. On the contrary, you feel quite detached from it even though you currently find yourself in it.

In other words, you feel that you are in the world, but not of it.

The rate of your vibrations will determine how much your focus has shifted from your old, 3-dimensional world into the new 4th dimensional reality that is emerging for you.

Many factors will affect your rate of vibration. These include : 
*the speed and degree of your spiritual awakening,
*the food you eat,
*the time you spend in meditation,
*the amount of effort you use to serve humanity,
*how much you develop your mind-body-soul complex,
*your thoughts,
*the love you bring to others,
*the steps you take to avoid sources of negative energy, and so on.

Shifting to the 4th dimension, at least for now, is not disappearing from the space around you in a poof of smoke and reappearing in a new world. Rather, it is a shift in consciousness, or a shift in your state of mind, wherein you realize that you have moved into a space (4th dimension) that is separate from, but exists simultaneous with, the old world in which you once existed (3rd dimension).

In order to experience and feel the effects of this shift in one's state of mind, we have to reach a certain degree of detachment from those things that keep us anchored to the 3-rd dimension. This usually requires a radical spiritual awakening and a severe dissection out of one's previous life script in order to jump start the shifting process.

In essence, one is no longer part of consensus reality.

 I'm convinced that a Higher Intelligence determines whether one is ready to shift into the lowest level of the 4th dimension permanently. When that happens, I'm equally convinced that we will join other advanced beings we refer to as extraterrestrials to continue learning and growing in the same ways they enjoy.