Wednesday, October 5, 2011

MU, a disappeared Ancient Civilization...Lemurian Paradise

Nearly One Galactic Year ago, 26.000 years, was the Golden Age of the Empire of the Sun, when humanity lived in peace, love, harmony and prosperity beyond anything we can imagine in these 2000's.

As our Sun Star orbits around the Central sun, we are now entering the first rays of the Aquarian force field, as we leave the rays of the Piscean force field. We are now on the Cusp, feeling both the vibrations of a dying age and the dawn of a new age. This Is the Cosmic Science of Mu based on the writings of James Churchward and Dr. George Hunt Williamson, who spent dozens of years studying ancient writings from Mu.
The sun of the Empire of the Sun was the cosmic symbol for the primary creative energies radiating from the central sun in the center of the universe, the beneficial energies of time and space from higher dimensions, the source of all life, matter and energy. The sun further represented in microcosm the sun within every human being, the invisible eternal flame that united man with his cosmic creator.
The Lemurian (Mu) people believed that the sun within man was located in the "third eye', the invisible eye within us that is tuned into our innermost visions.

According to Churchward, much of the Mu civilization lived in homes with transparent roofs. They were free from stress and disease lived to be hundreds of years old, developing their E.S.P. abilities through nearly 40,000 years of societal practice and experimentation. With that many centuries of evolution, the Mu gained their reputation or telepathy, astral travel and teleportation, making land vehicles unnecessary.
Most of those who have written about Lemuria claim they were primarily socially a vegetarian, agricultural, outdoor, organic culture that worked in harmony with nature and the land, having little use for scientific technology. Lemurians had concentrated on meditation and Extra Sensory Perception (ESP) development.

PS : They were monotheist...They believed in one God

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