Wednesday, October 26, 2011

part 2...Here are some typical examples…

     An unexpected blind date that leads to lifetime partnership.

A unplanned, delayed airplane flight that brings you and a future business partner together.

Without warning, you lose your job. Several months later another company hires you and you meet your future wife there.

A university unexpectedly accepts you. You go there, meet your best friend, have a relationship and discover many things about yourself that affect your life path.

You receive a surprise bonus at work. With it you take a long weekend vacation, during which you meet an editor who wants to publish the book you have written.

Your father passes on, you relocate to be with your mother, work for a local company and meet your future husband there.

You change universities to play football, attend a class, meet someone you recognize, but never met before, and have a profound relationship that teaches you many things.

Out of nowhere a thought comes into your mind that helps you paint your first successful picture.

During a dream you receive inspiration for your first novel.
You visit a metaphysical bookstore, pick up someone's business card, and meet your twin soul.

Your sister gives you a New Age book during a severe life crisis and you experience a profound spiritual awakening that puts you on a new path in life.

You stoop down to help a homeless person and the tears of thankfulness you've created inspires you to join the Peace Corp, which in turn leads to a life of service for humanity.

You stop to save someone's life who has been in a car accident. You are so moved by the incident you decide to become a physician.

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