Wednesday, July 31, 2013

When you stop letting your ego get out of control

and stop comparing yourself to others you will find that you will get everything you want. You will find yourself with a lot more than most and then you will find yourself wanting to help others get there too.

The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires

 but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.

love yourself

There are two basic motivating forces: fear and love. When we are afraid, we pull back from life. When we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance. We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections. If we cannot love ourselves, we cannot fully open to our ability to love others or our potential to create. Evolution and all hopes for a better world rest in the fearlessness and open-hearted vision of people who embrace life. 

Once I saw the world with open eyes

 I realised that I came here to change it.

The measure of your life will not be in what you accumulate

but in what you give away.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Today is a most unusual day

because we have never lived it before; we will never live it again; it is the only day we have. Today can be a healthy unusual day for you -- and for others -- if you take time to give someone a smile  to express a word of kindness ... to lend a helping hand to someone in need  to write a note of gratitude ... to give a word of encouragement to someone who is temporarily overcome with problems ...  to share a portion of your material possessions with others.

It's so much easier

to grow and change in an atmosphere of love.

Tip for a beautiful life

 Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.

go within

The most important insight you can have is to realize that you have been facing the wrong way for the better part of your life. Always looking away from yourself. Always looking outside of yourself. You have been facing the wrong way! Turn around and face inward - a way of knowing your spiritual identity where you meet the challenge and take the path of your sacred quest.

For happiness sake

We have to face our emotional truths. If not, it will manifest in our lives as disease, weight gain, high blood pressure,addictions etc. In addition, when we don't cleanse our emotional filter, all of our decisions are processed through that filter. How can they be the absolute best decisions for us? It can be hard and scary but also so freeing. For happiness sake, we have to be able to always tell ourselves the truth.

In the end

only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you.


 is an ever present reality for those who have eyes to see.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

An amazing thing happens

when you get honest with yourself and start doing what you love, what makes you happy.

Your life literally slows down. You stop wishing for the weekend. You stop merely looking forward to special events.

You begin to live in each moment and you start feeling like a human being. 

You just ride the wave that is life, with this feeling of contentment and joy. You move fluidly, steadily, calm and grateful.

A veil is lifted, and a whole new perspective is born.

You reap what you sow

Plant seeds of happiness, hope, success, and love; it will all come back to you in abundance. This is the law of nature.

Sometimes the strongest people are the ones

 who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors, and fight battles that nobody knows about.

The Sacred Twin Flame Reunion

The True Twin Flame comes to you to as a mirror. The Reunion may activate childhood trauma of abandonment, fear of rejection, regret, disappointment and inability to be intimate and committed. The Sacred Twin Flame Reunion calls for you to let go of all egoic responses, so you can immerse deeply into love and ecstasy of the ONE SOUL

There comes a point in your life

when you realize who really matters, who never did, and who always will.

When you become your own best friend

 life becomes more peaceful

When you fill your own life with happiness and meaning

 you stop looking to other people to complete you.

We look not at the appearance and speech

we gaze into the heart to see if it is humble.

Friday, July 26, 2013

If you have not learned to be a passionate lover

 do not count your life as lived.


Bruce Lee's martial art could not have been as successful and complete without the deep philosophical base he gave it. Martial arts, by nature, are a reflective practice where the practitioner must not only examine the issues of life or death but the nature of the self.

One of the most important influences on Bruce was his exposure to Taoist philosophy. Taoist philosophy is the development of the Chinese sage Lao Tzu, who in the sixth century BC wrote the definitive work on the subject, the Tao Te Ching.
Bruce, at the age of seventeen, had been training in gung fu for four years with Sifu Yip Man, yet had reached an impasse. When engaged in sparring Bruce found that his body would become tense, his mind perturbed. Such instability worked against his goal of efficiency in combat.
Sifu Yip Man sensed his trouble, and approached him. "Lee," he said, "relax and calm your mind. Forget about yourself and follow the opponent's movements. Let your mind, the basic reality, do the counter-movement without any interfering deliberation. Above all, learn the art of detachment."
Bruce Lee believed he had the answer to his problem. He must relax! Yet there was a paradox: the effort in trying to relax was inconsistent with the effortlessness in relaxing, and Bruce found himself back in the same situation.
Again Sifu Yip Man came to Bruce and said, "Lee, preserve yourself by following the natural bends of things and don't interfere. Remember never to assert yourself: never be in frontal opposition to any problem, but control it by swinging with it."
Sifu Yip Man told Bruce to go home for a week and think about his words. Bruce spent many hours in meditation and practice, with nothing coming of it. Finally, Bruce decided to go sailing in a junk (boat). Bruce would have a great epiphany. "On the sea, I thought of all my past training and got mad at myself and punched the water. Right then at that moment, a thought suddenly struck me. Wasn't this water the essence of gung fu? I struck it, but it did not suffer hurt. I then tried to grasp a handful of it but it was impossible. This water, the softest substance, could fit into any container. Although it seemed weak, it could penetrate the hardest substance. That was it! I wanted to be like the nature of water.
"Therefore, in order to control myself I must accept myself by going with, and not against, my nature. I lay on the boat and felt that I had untied with Tao; I had become one with nature."
Bruce lay back in the boat and let it drift of its own accord. He was, at that moment, at peace with himself and his environment.
Bruce had not only discovered the state of wu-shin, or no-mindedness; he had come to see his unity with the Tao itself. The Tao would become a great influence in his later life when he developed his art of Jeet Kune Do.
"When he was in Seattle Bruce used to quote Confucius and Lao Tzu and all those people like that, and he believed it," says Taky Kimura, Bruce's senior student and best friend. "But pretty soon he made that transition himself and he became the philosopher."
In 1963 Bruce published a book titled Chinese Gung Fu: The Philosophical Art of Self-Defense. The book expressed his views on gung fu as well as his deep interest in the philosophical aspects of martial arts training.
Another big influence on Bruce Lee, philosophically, was the Brahmin philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurti. Bruce found that Krishnamurti's viewpoints on life ran parallel to his own. In his book Freedom from the Know, Krishnamurti writes: "You cannot look through an ideology, through a screen of words, through hopes and fears. The man who is really serious, with the urge to find out what truth is has no concept at all. He lives only in what is." Bruce adapted this idea in forming his martial art philosophy: "You cannot express and be alive through static put-together form, through stylized movement. The man who is really serious, with the urge to find out what truth is, has no style at all. He lives only in what is."
"A classicist or traditionalist will only do what the teacher tells him and that's it. The teacher is pedestalized and you do what he says and you don't question him," says John Little, the historian of the Bruce Lee Estate, "but Bruce was drawing from some very diverse sources, such as gestalt therapy, Krishnamurti, etc. Not that these people were necessarily creators either, but they saw a certain truth that they wrote about. Bruce saw that same truth."

In the age of information

ignorance is a choice


Those who injured us only did what they knew how to do, given the conditions of their lives. If you won't forgive, then you allow those ancient injuries to continue their hold on you.

unchanged law

Whatever you give away today,
or think or say or do
will multiply about tenfold
and then return to you.

It may not come immediately,
nor from the obvious source
but the law applies unfailingly,
through some invisible force.

Whatever you feel about another,
be it love or hate or passion
will surely bounce right back to you
in some clear (or secret) fashion

If you speak about some person,
a word of praise or two,
soon, tens of other people
will speak kind words of you.

Our thoughts are broadcasts of the soul,
not secrets of the brain.
Kind ones bring us happiness;
petty ones, untold pain.

Giving works as surely
as reflections in a mirror.
If hate you send, hate you'll get back,
but loving brings love nearer.

Remember, as you start this day
and duty crowds your mind,
that kindness comes so quickly back
to those who first are kind.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

holographic universe

Everything you see has its roots in the unseen world.
The forms may change,
yet the essence remains the same.


Someday, someone will walk into your life and make you realize why it never worked out with anyone else.

divine timing

Divine timing is usually in play when we feel disappointed that our desires are not manifesting fast enough. If we let go of control we open the mental/spiritual channel to trust that the the right and perfect time is in process.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Have a wonderous Day

He who experiences the unity of life sees his own Self in all beings, and all beings in his own Self, and looks on everything with an impartial eye.


Nothing happens by chance

Life and the Universe have a funny way of bringing us to the exact people, places, circumstances, and messages that our souls are calling for at the right time. What appears as an accident in our lives is not always what it seems. Nothing happens by chance, and there are no coincidences. We begin to understand that there's a reason for the way our life is unfolding even though it may not always be immediately apparent.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

live with purpose

When I chased after money, I never had enough. When I got my life on purpose and focused on giving of myself and everything that arrived into my life, then I was prosperous. 

Mahatma Gandhi

Like the bee gathering honey from the different flowers, the wise person accepts the essence of the different scriptures and sees only the good in all religions.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Dannion Brinkley with Lisa Harrison

Tip for a beautiful life

 Don't waste your precious time and energy on gossip, energy vampires, or issues of the past

the world doesn't need your help, but desperately, your change

The world doesn't need your help, but desperately, your change

The Dreamer

The moment you dream a new dream you are creating also the antagonist that will help you to realize it - an antagonist apparently stronger than you are that can make the path towards its realization visible and possible.                           

Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value

As a leader, it is neither knowledge nor education, wealth nor social standing that you need for success so much as a sixth sense-intuition, and a seventh – vision. The fruits of a work on oneself towards being responsible, fearless and whole. That is, integrity in action.

The crisis facing apparently the entire humanity today is not an environmental crisis, political crisis or a financial one; it is essentially a crisis of values.

a man of integrity doesn' t expect anything from the outer world

An education coming from outside will never help man to achieve any possible evolution and freedom, freedom from the description of the world, from false ideas, from fears, doubts, beliefs, superstitions, freedom from internal and external pressure and identification. For a man to be completely free he has to be guided by his own Will, self-knowledge and inner understanding.

What defines us

is how well we rise after falling.

Promise Yourself

To be so strong that nothingcan disturb your peace of mind.
To talk health, happiness, and prosperity
to every person you meet.

To make all your friends feel
that there is something in them
To look at the sunny side of everything
and make your optimism come true.

To think only the best, to work only for the best,
and to expect only the best.
To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others
as you are about your own.

To forget the mistakes of the past
and press on to the greater achievements of the future.
To wear a cheerful countenance at all times
and give every living creature you meet a smile.

To give so much time to the improvement of yourself
that you have no time to criticize others.
To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear,
and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.

To think well of yourself and to proclaim this fact to the world,
not in loud words but great deeds.
To live in faith that the whole world is on your side
so long as you are true to the best that is in you.

“Love is . . .

Love is . . . Being happy for the other person when they are happy, Being sad for the person when they are sad, Being together in good times, And being together in bad times.

Love is . . . Being honest with yourself at all times, being honest with the other person at all times, telling, listening, respecting the truth, and never pretending.

Love is . . . An understanding so complete that you feel as if you are a part of the other person, accepting the other person just the way they are, and not trying to change them to be something else.

Love is . . . The freedom to pursue your own desires while sharing your experiences with the other person, The growth of one individual alongside of and together with the growth of another individual.

Love is . . . The excitement of planning things together, the excitement of doing things together.

Love is . . . The fury of the storm, The calm in the rainbow.

Love is . . . Giving and taking in a daily situation, Being patient with each other's needs and desires.

Love is . . . Knowing that the other person will always be with you regardless of what happens, Missing the other person when they are away but remaining near in heart at all times.

Katharine Hepburn

Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get - only with what you are expecting to give - which is everything.

sympathetic vibrations

People who vibrate at the same frequency, vibrate toward each other. They call it - in science - sympathetic vibrations. Twin Flames vibrate at the EXACT same individual SOUL harmonics.

now here

If we spend our time with regrets over yesterday, and worries over what might happen tomorrow, we have no today in which to live.

today's quote

The major value in life is not what you get. The major value in life is what you become.


Love is not to be asked for.
It is never obtained by asking.
Love comes through giving.

It is our own echo.

Stay strong

Stay strong no matter how difficult things become.It cannot stay complicated forever. Have faith and you will make it through.

know who you are

Thursday, July 18, 2013

It is never late to ask yourself 'Am I ready to change my life,

 am I ready to change myself ? However old we are, whatever we went through, it is always possible to be reborn. If each day is a copy of the last one, what a pity! Every breath is a chance to be reborn.

a heart full of grace

Everybody can be great. Because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve.You don't have to know the second theory of thermodynamics in physics to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.

two symptoms of enlightenment

There are only two symptoms of enlightenment, just two indications that a transformation is taking place within you toward a higher consciousness. The first symptom is that you stop worrying. Things don't bother you anymore. You become light-hearted and full of joy. The second symptom is that you encounter more and more meaningful coincidences in your life, more and more synchronicities. And this accelerates to the point where you actually experience the miraculous. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

What would you tell your younger self?

"Yes, life would have been so much simpler if I had been able to warn myself that the opinions of others would not define me, that it wouldn’t be necessary to seek validation, acceptance or approval. That I and I alone would determine my worth and what others thought of me would not serve as a compass in my journey of self discovery."

true happiness

Many persons have a wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness. It is not attained through self-gratification, but through fidelity to a worthy purpose.


An indigo is essentially a soul that was brought into this world, or chose to come into this world at this time to help bring light and balance into the world. The best way to work with an Indigo is to help them understand their purpose. To help them understand the divinity of their existence.

Marianne Williamson

Just like a sunbeam can't separate itself from the sun, and a wave can't separate itself from the ocean, we can't separate ourselves from one another. We are all part of a vast sea of love, one indivisible divine mind. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Pay attention to your daily thoughts

Pay attention to what your thoughts are saying about you. They can be downright mean and cruel. You judge yourself and put yourself down. You would never treat another person that way. So why are you doing it to yourself?

No matter what the state of society or the times

each of us can contribute to peace in our immediate environment. We can do this by encouraging even one young person and enabling them to tap into their potential.

Your dreams will come true

Stay true to all your beliefs and goals.
Stand tall.
Through all life's setbacks and disappointments,
your dreams will come true.

When no one else is with you,
and no one seems to care,
just whisper to yourself,
"I am the controller of my destiny.
It's up to me what comes to pass,
and if I keep my thoughts positive and strong,
my dreams will come true."

When what seem to be impossible obstacles
stand in your way, just think of all the times
you got through yesterday.
There is a place for you in this world.
Stay on your chosen path.
All the power is within you;
be true to what is in your heart.
Be honest within yourself;
if you are, then you cannot fail.

Your dreams will come true.


courage is the power to let go of the familiar

If you care about the quality of your life and your happiness

You have to be selective as to who you allow into your life.

There are two basic motivating forces

There are two basic motivating forces: fear and love. When we are afraid, we pull back from life. When we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance. We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections. If we cannot love ourselves, we cannot fully open to our ability to love others or our potential to create. Evolution and all hopes for a better world rest in the fearlessness and open-hearted vision of people who embrace life.

Monday, July 15, 2013

know your worth

There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.


First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.


I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet

once you awaken

you will have no interest in judging those who sleep


All matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration – that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively ... there's no such thing as death ... life is only a dream, and we're the imagination of ourselves.

comfort zone vs magic

It is easier to stay in your comfort zone and you can think of many reasons why you should. The choice is up to you but you will be missing out on many incredible things life has to offer if you stay.

stop hiding from change

You are in control of your life and your life will not change unless you make the change.  So stop hiding from change, embrace it, make a difference. It really is that simple, yes at first it may be hard, but it will be worth it and once you've made that change you will only , embrace it, make a difference. It really is that simple, yes at first it may be hard, but it will be worth it.

you cannot change

what you refuse to confront

Everybody in every given moment is doing the best they know how to do. If they truly knew how to do better, they would be doing it.

Not all wounds are so obvious.Walk gently in the lives of others.

love yourself...accept yourself

you cannot truly love another until you have accepted yourself as you are right now


You must love yourself before you love another. By accepting yourself and fully being what you are, your simple presence can make others happy.


Loyalty can never be imposed by force, fear, insecurity or intimidation.
It is a choice that only strong spirits have the courage to make.
And because it is a choice, it will never tolerate betrayal, but will always be generous with mistakes

LOVE is an emotion

 totally silent and inexpressible with words.

Keep gratitude in your heart

and it will shield you from the problems of the world.


Anything that you resent and strongly react
to in another is also in you.


Listen with ears of tolerance.
See through the eyes of compassion.
Speak with the language of love

You are an infinitely evolving being

Do you put limits on yourself like a flea in a jar? Perhaps it's time to take action and blow the lid off!

Tip for a beautiful life

Surround yourself with people that lift you up rather than knock you down


If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him.

Let the past go

You did the best you could at the time with the understanding, awareness, and knowledge that you had. Now you are growing and changing, and you will live life differently.

magic & healing

Magic is hard to spot when you’re not looking for it or don’t believe it exists. Same goes with healing.

Don't worry

Don't worry about whose responsibility it is. Don't worry about who is to blame. When you blame someone else you give away your power and energy. Just decide to take it upon yourself to fix things and change your life. The change will occur so much faster.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

You can't live a positive life

 with a negative mind.

Walk with

the dreamers, the believers, the courageous, the cheerful, the planners, the doers, the successful people with their heads in the clouds and their feet on the ground. Let their spirit ignite a fire within you to leave this world better than when you found it.

Good deeds are the seeds of happiness....

Thimmakka is a native of Karnataka, a state in the southwestern region of India. She received no formal education and worked as a casual laborer in a nearby quarry. She was married, but unfortunately she and her husband could have no children. It is said that Thimmakka started to plant banyan trees in lieu of children. Every year they planted 15 to 20 new trees until finally they had covered the whole of the 2.5 miles. In total, they planted 284 trees. They were in love with their "children." Her husband quit working for a wage to keep a vigil on his young trees and to water them. He patrolled the stretch, shooed off cattle, and watered the trees. Thimmakka worked for a wage to keep the pot boiling.

"It was a dry, hot road. Our villagers had to walk frequently on this road. So we thought it would be nice if trees came up and shaded the way," she says.

Thimmakka's work was recognized by the government. She won a lot of awards. She planted the trees and had enormous results. There is even a U.S. environmental organization, Thimmakka's Resources for Environmental Education, named after her.

Plant the seeds of happiness without expectation. One day you will receive unexpected recognition.

People today desperately need the help that we can give them. Marriages are being shattered. Children are being hurt. Individuals are living without purpose or future.

Look around. You have the opportunity to help. You will find happiness in helping people in need.

my shoes

help and serve one another

Poverty is not an accident. Like slavery and apartheid, it is man-made and can be removed by the actions of human beings.

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya

10 Amazing Lessons from Albert Einstein

  1. Follow Your Curiosity
    “I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.”

    What piques your curiosity? I am curious as to what causes one person to succeed while another person fails; this is why I’ve spent years studying success. What are you most curious about? The pursuit of your curiosity is the secret to your success.

  2. Perseverance is Priceless
    “It's not that I'm so smart; it's just that I stay with problems longer.”

    Through perseverance the turtle reached the ark. Are you willing to persevere until you get to your intended destination? They say the entire value of the postage stamp consist in its ability to stick to something until it gets there. Be like the postage stamp; finish the race that you’ve started!

  3. Focus on the Present
    “Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.”

    My father always says you cannot ride two horses at the same time. I like to say, you can do anything, but not everything. Learn to be present where you are; give your all to whatever you’re currently doing.

    Focused energy is power, and it’s the difference between success and failure.

  4. The Imagination is Powerful
    “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions. Imagination is more important than knowledge.”

    Are you using your imagination daily? Einstein said the imagination is more important than knowledge! Your imagination pre-plays your future. Einstein went on to say, “The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge, but imagination.” Are you exercising your “imagination muscles” daily, don’t let something as powerful as your imagination lie dormant.

  5. Make Mistakes
    “A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.”

    Never be afraid of making a mistake. A mistake is not a failure. Mistakes can make you better, smarter and faster, if you utilize them properly. Discover the power of making mistakes. I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again, if you want to succeed, triple the amount of mistakes that you make.

  6. Live in the Moment
    “I never think of the future - it comes soon enough.”

    The only way to properly address your future is to be as present as possible “in the present.”

    You cannot “presently” change yesterday or tomorrow, so it’s of supreme importance that you dedicate all of your efforts to “right now.” It’s the only time that matters, it’s the only time there is.

  7. Create Value
    “Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value."

    Don’t waste your time trying to be successful, spend your time creating value. If you’re valuable, then you will attract success.

    Discover the talents and gifts that you possess, learn how to offer those talents and gifts in a way that most benefits others.

    Labor to be valuable and success will chase you down.

  8. Don’t Expect Different Results
    “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

    You can’t keep doing the same thing everyday and expect different results. In other words, you can’t keep doing the same workout routine and expect to look differently. In order for your life to change, you must change, to the degree that you change your actions and your thinking is to the degree that your life will change.

  9. Knowledge Comes From Experience
    “Information is not knowledge. The only source of knowledge is experience.”

    Knowledge comes from experience. You can discuss a task, but discussion will only give you a philosophical understanding of it; you must experience the task first hand to “know it.” What’s the lesson? Get experience! Don’t spend your time hiding behind speculative information, go out there and do it, and you will have gained priceless knowledge.

  10. Learn the Rules and Then Play Better
    “You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.”

    To put it all in simple terms, there are two things that you must do. The first thing you must do is to learn the rules of the game that you’re playing. It doesn’t sound exciting, but it’s vital. Secondly, you must commit to play the game better than anyone else. If you can do these two things, success will be yours!

9 year old discusses the universe

Your vision will become clear

only when you look into your heart.
Who looks outside, dreams.
Who looks inside, awakens.

Albert Einstein was once asked

“How does it feel to be the smartest man alive?”, he responded, “I don't know, you'll have to ask Nikola Tesla.

You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make.


I don't know the actual meaning of maturity, but for me maturity is when a person hurts you and you try to understand their situation rather than hurting them back.

I am not what happened to me

I am what I choose to become


As a result of deep activations and initiations, the soul expands into higher levels of unconditional self love and empowerment, now knowing The SELF is the Beloved and therefore no longer requiring another for egoic completion or fulfillment in any way. This is the required preparation for the full physical SACRED Twin Flame Reunion and of course the Sacred Self Reunion of Ascension. The Sacred Twin Flame Reunion is HOLY and SACRED. It is divinely orchestrated for the full physical reunion when both are fully detached vibrationally from the dualistic world and all old patterning and programmes are released.

You will become

 the picture you hold of yourself in your mind.

Friday, July 12, 2013

What is a Human Being?

A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.

Everything you need

will come to you at the perfect time.


Life is all about timing... the unreachable becomes reachable, the unavailable becomes available, the unattainable... attainable. Have the patience, wait it out. It's all about timing

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness.

The difference between school and life?

 In school, you're taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you're given a test that teaches you a lesson.

life is a test

When we least expect it, life sets us a challenge to test our courage and willingness to change; at such a moment, there is no point in pretending that nothing has happened or in saying that we are not ready. The challenge will not wait. Life does not look back. A week is more than enough time for us to decide whether or not to accept our destiny.

Those who dont believe in magic

will never find it.


Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.

George Bernard Shaw ...I love you my friend

Two percent of the people think, three percent of the people think they think, ninety five percent would rather die than think.

true that

The mind, once stretched by a new idea, never returns to its original dimensions

toxic people

You don’t ever have to feel guilty about removing toxic people from your life. It doesn’t matter whether someone is a relative, romantic interest, employer, childhood friend, or a new acquaintance — you don’t have to make room for people who cause you pain or make you feel small. It’s one thing if a person owns up to their behavior and makes an effort to change. But if a person disregards your feelings, ignores your boundaries, and continues to treat you in a harmful way, they need to go.

The highest form of ignorance

is when you reject something you dont know anything about.

You'll know

 when a relationship is right for you. It will enhance your life, not complicate your life.

empathy and compassion

It's amazing how the insights provided by meditating can transport even difficult personal relationships into a broader perspective. It's as if a light within us turns on, helping us to understand the other person more fully. Or perhaps it helps us prioritize what's important in the relationship and what isn't. Whatever the reason, empathy and compassion are great healers.

there is only NOW

The created world is woven out of the fabric of Love. You are a Divine Being of immense and awesome powers of creation. This is the truth. Somewhere inside, you know it and now you are ready to remember. It is getting late, the Sun is shining and it is a beautiful New Day. It is time to wake up. You have slept long enough. What you will experience on waking is a Whole New Reality. It has been there all along, waiting for you, for us. And because IT WILL HAPPEN in the Now that is yet to come, you can access it in this Now if you choose to tune into it. For there is only Now.

At the end of the day

the only questions I will ask myself are...
Did I love enough?
Did I laugh enough?
Did I make a difference?


Humanity is now faced with a stark choice: Evolve or die.  If the structures of the human mind remain unchanged, we will always end up re-creating the same world, the same evils, the same dysfunction.

Small things

 are responsible for great changes.

If one allows a problem to endure

 for a month or a day, or even for a few minutes, it distorts the mind


An education coming from outside will never help man to achieve any possible evolution and freedom, freedom from the description of the world, from false ideas, from fears, doubts, beliefs, superstitions, freedom from internal and external pressure and identification. For a man to be completely free he has to be guided by his own Will, self-knowledge and inner understanding.

To live is to change

 and to be perfect is to have changed often.

Only the weak are cruel

use those passion, gifts, talents YOU have been given

you are here for a reason to do what only You can

believe in yourself !

quote of the day

By aligning yourself with thoughts of infinite love for yourself and others, you gain dominion over the lower thought forms of the world. 


Raise your words, not voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.

Great things always begin from inside

If egg is broken by outside force, life ends. If broken by inside force, life begins.

The proper function of man is to live - not to exist.

  1. Love. Perhaps the most important. Fall in love, if you aren't already. If you have, fall in love with your partner all over again. Abandon caution and let your heart be broken. Or love family members, friends, anyone -- it doesn't have to be romantic love. Love all of humanity, one person at a time.
  2. Get outside. Don't let yourself be shut indoors. Go out when it's raining. Walk on the beach. Hike through the woods. Swim in a freezing lake. Bask in the sun. Play sports, or walk barefoot through grass. Pay close attention to nature.
  3. Savor food. Don't just eat your food, but really enjoy it. Feel the texture, the bursts of flavors. Savor every bite. If you limit your intake of sweets, it will make the small treats you give yourself (berries or dark chocolate are my favorites) even more enjoyable. And when you do have them, really, really savor them. Slowly.
  4. Create a morning ritual. Wake early and greet the day. Watch the sun rise. Out loud, tell yourself that you will not waste this day, which is a gift. You will be compassionate to your fellow human beings, and live every moment to its fullest. Stretch or meditate or exercise as part of your ritual. Enjoy some coffee.
  5. Take chances. We often live our lives too cautiously, worried about what might go wrong. Be bold, risk it all. Quit your job and go to business for yourself (plan it out first!), or go up to that girl you've liked for a long time and ask her out. What do you have to lose?

  6. Follow excitement. Try to find the things in life that excite you, and then go after them. Make life one exciting adventure after another (with perhaps some quiet times in between).

  7. Find your passion. Similar to the above tip, this one asks you to find your calling. Make your living by doing the thing you love to do. First, think about what you really love to do. There may be many things. Find out how you can make a living doing it. It may be difficult, but you only live once.
  8. Get out of your cubicle. Do you sit all day in front of computer, shuffling papers and taking phone calls and chatting on the Internet? Don't waste your days like this. Break free from the cubicle environment, and do your work on a laptop, in a coffee shop, or on a boat, or in a log cabin. This may require a change of jobs, or becoming a freelancer. It's worth it.

  9. Turn off the TV. How many hours will we waste away in front of the boob tube? How many hours do we have to live? Do the math, then unplug the TV. Only plug it back in when you have a DVD of a movie you love. Otherwise, keep it off and find other stuff to do. Don't know what to do? Read further.

  10. Pull away from Internet. You're reading something on the Internet right now. And, with the exception of this article, it is just more wasting away of your precious time. You cannot get these minutes back. Unplug the Internet, then get out of your office or house. Right now! And go and do something.
  11. Travel. Sure, you want to travel some day. When you have vacation time, or when you're older. Well, what are you waiting for? Find a way to take a trip, if not this month, then sometime soon. You may need to sell your car or stop your cable bill and stop eating out to do it, but make it happen. You are too young to not see the world. If need be, find a way to make a living by freelancing, then work while you travel. Only work an hour or two a day. Don't check email but once a week. Then use the rest of the time to see the world.
  12. Rediscover what's important. Take an hour and make a list of everything that's important to you. Add to it everything that you want to do in life. Now cut that list down to 4-5 things. Just the most important things in your life. This is your core list. This is what matters. Focus your life on these things. Make time for them.
  13. Eliminate everything else. What's going on in your life that's not on that short list? All that stuff is wasting your time, pulling your attention from what's important. As much as possible, simplify your life by eliminating the stuff that's not on your short list, or minimizing it.
  14. Exercise. Get off the couch and go for a walk. Eventually try running. Or do some push ups and crunches. Or swim or bike or row. Or go for a hike. Whatever you do, get active, and you'll love it. And life will be more alive.
  15. Be positive. Learn to recognize the negative thoughts you have. These are the self-doubts, the criticisms of others, the complaints, the reasons you can't do something. Then stop yourself when you have these thoughts, and replace them with positive thoughts. Solutions. You can do this!
  16. Open your heart. Is your heart a closed bundle of scar tissue? Learn to open it, have it ready to receive love, to give love unconditionally. If you have a problem with this, talk to someone about it. And practice makes perfect.
  17. Kiss in the rain. Seize the moment and be romantic. Raining outside? Grab your lover and give her a passionate kiss. Driving home? Stop the car and pick some wildflowers. Send her a love note. Dress sexy for him.
  18. Face your fears. What are you most afraid of? What is holding you back? Whatever it is, recognize it, and face it. Do what you are most afraid of. Afraid of heights? Go to the tallest building, and look down over the edge. Only by facing our fears can we be free of them.

  19. When you suffer, suffer. Life isn't all about fun and games. Suffering is an inevitable part of life. We lose our jobs. We lose our lovers. We lose our pets. We get physically injured or sick. A loved one becomes sick. A parent dies. Learn to feel the pain intensely, and really grieve. This is a part of life -- really feel the pain. And when you're done, move on, and find joy.
  20. Slow down. Life moves along at such a rapid pace these days. It's not healthy, and it's not conducive to living. Practice doing everything slowly -- everything, from eating to walking to driving to working to reading. Enjoy what you do. Learn to move at a snail's pace.
  21. Touch humanity. Get out of your house and manicured neighborhoods, and find those who live in worse conditions. Meet them, talk to them, understand them. Live among them. Be one of them. Give up your materialistic lifestyle.
  22. Volunteer. Help at homeless soup kitchens. Learn compassion, and learn to help ease the suffering of others. Help the sick, those with disabilities, those who are dying.

  23. Play with children. Children, more than anyone else, know how to live. They experience everything in the moment, fully. When they get hurt, they really cry. When they play, they really have fun. Learn from them, instead of thinking you know so much more than them. Play with them, and learn to be joyful like them.

  24. Talk to old people. There is no one wiser, more experienced, more learned, than those who have lived through life. They can tell you amazing stories. Give you advice on making a marriage last or staying out of debt. Tell you about their regrets, so you can learn from them and avoid the same mistakes. They are the wisdom of our society -- take advantage of their existence while they're still around.

  25. Learn new skills. Constantly improve yourself instead of standing still -- not because you're so imperfect now, but because it is gratifying and satisfying. You should accept yourself as you are, and learn to love who you are, but still try to improve -- if only because the process of improvement is life itself.
  26. Find spirituality. For some, this means finding God or Jesus or Allah or Buddha. For others, this means becoming in tune with the spirits of our ancestors, or with nature. For still others, this just means an inner energy. Whatever spirituality means for you, rediscover it, and its power.

  27. Take mini-retirements. Don't leave the joy of retirement until you are too old to enjoy it. Do it now, while you're young. It makes working that much more worth it. Find ways to take a year off every few years. Save up, sell your home, your possessions, and travel. Live simply, but live, without having to work. Enjoy life, then go back to work and save up enough money to do it again in a couple of years.
  28. Do nothing. Despite the tip above that we should find excitement, there is value in doing nothing as well. Not doing nothing as in reading, or taking a nap, or watching TV, or meditating. Doing nothing as in sitting there, doing nothing. Just learning to be still, in silence, to hear our inner voice, to be in tune with life. Do this daily if possible.

  29. Stop playing video games. They might be fun, but they can take up way too much time. If you spend a lot of time playing online games, or computer solitaire, or Wii or Gameboy or whatever, consider going a week without it. Then find something else to do, outside.
  30. Watch sunsets, daily. One of the most beautiful times of day. Make it a daily ritual to find a good spot to watch the sunset, perhaps having a light dinner while you do so.
  31. Stop reading magazines. They're basically crap. And they waste your time and money. Cancel your subscriptions and walk past them at the news stands. If you have to read something, read a trashy novel or even better, read Dumb Little Man once a day and be done.
  32. Break out from ruts. Do you do things the same way every day? Change it up. Try something new. Take a different route to work. Start your day out differently. Approach work from a new angle. Look at things from new perspectives.
  33. Stop watching the news. It's depressing and useless. If you're a news junky, this may be difficult. I haven't watch TV news or read a newspaper regularly in about two years. It hasn't hurt me a bit. Anything important, my mom tells me about.
  34. Laugh till you cry. Laughing is one of the best ways to live. Tell jokes and laugh your head off. Watch an awesome comedy. Learn to laugh at anything. Roll on the ground laughing. You'll love it.
  35. Lose control. Not only control over yourself, but control over others. It's a bad habit to try to control others -- it will only lead to stress and unhappiness for yourself and those you try to control. Let others live, and live for yourself. And lose control of yourself now and then too.
  36. Cry. Men, especially, tend to hold in our tears, but crying is an amazing release. Cry at sad movies. Cry at a funeral. Cry when you are hurt, or when somebody you love is hurt. It releases these emotions and allows us to cleanse ourselves.

  37. Make an awesome dessert. I like to make warm, soft chocolate cake. But even berries dipped in chocolate, or crepes with ice cream and fruit, or fresh apple pie, or homemade chocolate chip cookies or brownies, are great. This isn't an every day thing, but an occasional treat thing. But it's wonderful.

  38. Try something new, every week. Ask yourself: "What new thing shall I try this week?" Then be sure to do it. You don't have to learn a new language in one week, but seek new experiences. Give it a try. You might decide you want to keep it in your life.
  39. Be in the moment. Instead of thinking about things you need to do, or things that have happened to you, or worrying or planning or regretting, think about what you are doing, right now. What is around you? What smells and sounds and sights and feelings are you experiencing? Learn to do this as much as possible through meditation, but also through bringing your focus back to the present as much as you can in everything you do.

12 Steps To Turn Your Dreams Into Reality

Step #1 – Lose the negative attitude. Think positively.
Negative thinking creates negative results. Positive thinking creates positive results. 
Every one of the other suggestions below are irrelevant if your mind is stuck in the gutter. Positive thinking is at the forefront of every great success story. The mind must believe it can do something before it is capable of actually doing it.

Step #2 – Figure out what you really want out of life.

You’ll be running on a hamster wheel forever if you never decide where you want to go. Figure out what’s meaningful to you so you can be who you were born to be.
Some of us were born to be musicians – to communicate intricate thoughts and rousing feelings with the strings of a guitar. Some of us were born to be poets – to touch people’s hearts with exquisite prose. Some of us were born to be entrepreneurs – to create growth and opportunity where others saw rubbish. And still, some of us were born to be or do whatever it is, specifically, that moves you.
Don’t waste your life fulfilling someone else’s dreams and desires. You must follow your intuition and make a decision.

Step #3 – Surround yourself with great people.

You are the sum of the people you spend the most time with. If you hang with the wrong people, they will negatively affect you. But if you hang with the right people, you will be far more capable and powerful than you ever could have been alone. Find your tribe and work together to make a difference in all of your lives.

Step #4 – Work on it for real.

The harder you work the luckier you will become. Stop waiting around for things to work out. If you keep doing what you’re doing, you’ll keep getting what you’re getting.
While many of us decide at some point during the course of our lives that we want to answer our calling, only an astute few of us actually work on it. By “working on it,” I mean truly devoting oneself to the end result. The rest of us never act on our decision. Or, at best, we pretend to act on it by putting forth an uninspired, half-assed effort.
Remember, life is not easy, especially when you plan on achieving something worthwhile. Achieving your dreams can be a lot of work. Be ready for it.

Step #5 – Don’t make life harder than it needs to be.

Life is challenging enough without you senselessly complicating the simple.
As Oscar Wilde once said, “Life is not complex. We are complex. Life is simple, and the simple thing is the right thing.”

Step #6 – Exploit the resources you do have access to.

It’s not about having the right resources; it’s about exploiting the resources you do have access to.
Stevie Wonder couldn’t see, so he exploited his sense of hearing into a passion for music, and he now has 25 Grammy Awards to prove it.

Step #7 – Focus on things you can change.

Some forces are out of your control. The best thing you can do is do the best with what’s in front of you with the resources you do have access to.
Wasting your time, talent and emotional energy on things that are beyond your control is a recipe for frustration, misery and stagnation. Invest your energy in the things you can change.

Step #8 – Don’t avoid things you don’t understand.

Right now there’s a lot you don’t know. No matter how smart you are or how much you learn there will always be more to learn. Hiding from what you don’t know will bury you right beside your dreams.
So embrace the things you don’t understand and study them. Achieving this understanding is what living your life is all about.

Step #9 – Ignore negative naysayers.

When you receive negative feedback, remember, it doesn’t matter how many people don’t get it, it matters how many do.
Still, no matter how much progress you make there will always be the people who insist that whatever you’re trying to do is impossible. Or they may incessantly suggest that the idea or dream as a whole is utterly ridiculous because nobody really cares.
When you come across these people, don’t try to reason with them. Instead, forget that they exist. They will only waste your time and energy.

Step #10 – Take good care of your body and your brain.

Your body is the greatest tool you’ll ever own. It impacts every step you take and every move you make. You won’t get anything done without it.
And don’t forget that your brain is part of your body too. The human brain only accounts for roughly 2% of the total mass of the human body, yet it consumes over 20% of the oxygen and nutrients the human body intakes. Read the 7
So nourish your body, exercise it and rest it appropriately.

Step #11 – Work on your dreams when you first awake.

The mornings are a fresh start, peaceful and free of random mid-day distractions. If you get the things done that are the most important to you first thing in the morning, it puts you in a better place, emotionally and creatively, for the remainder of the day.
So put your dreams first. Even if you only have time to work on them for 30 minutes each morning, do it. It truly makes all the difference in the world. Each day, no matter what else happens, you will have done something to make your dreams come true.

Step #12 – Enjoy the pain of your greatest challenge.

Lots of people have achieved their dreams or conquered formerly impossible feats and continue to enjoy the possibilities of new challenges. These people will all tell you there’s nothing more gratifying than the thrill of your greatest challenge – making your dreams a reality. The inherent bruises and pains along the way are simply mile markers on your trip to the finish line.
And when you finally do finish, you may actually find yourself missing the daily grind. Ultimately, you’ll realize that pleasure and pain can be one and the same.

Final Thoughts

As I’ve said before, if there was ever a moment to follow your heart and do something that matters to you, that moment is now. Nothing ever gets done by reading an article about doing it. You’ve got to put in the effort and take action.
So go for it! Now! Make yourself proud.

self-respect & self-love

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, tells us: "He that respects himself is safe from others; he wears a coat of mail that none can pierce." When we truly respect and love ourselves, it's as if we have a shield of flexible armor made of metal rings and loops of chain that protects us.


How do you let go of attachment to things?
Don’t even try. It’s impossible.
Attachment to things drops away by itself when
you no longer seek to find yourself in them.