Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Universal Law of Vibrational Attainment

The entire Universe operates on the same principle of vibrational energy. When Einstein discovered that "matter is energy" he opened the door to merging science and metaphysics.

The scientists have proved that energy cannot die, it can only transform (reincarnate), and, by its very nature, energy must go forward or backwards, it cannot stand still, for to do so is stagnation, resulting in transformation.

You are energy. Your skin, which appears solid, is actually trillions of swiftly moving molecules orbiting each other at a specific vibrational rate; a physical life rate you have earned in the past as a result of how harmoniously or disharmoniously you have lived your past lives and your current life up until this moment in time. When you are harmonious for a lifetime, you will have attained the highest vibrational rate.

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