Thursday, April 19, 2012

Twin Flames...Ourselves in another body

When we have reached the stage where we are capable of giving unconditional love, we then have the opportunity to reconnect with our “other half” or twin flame. The chances are that we meet our twin flame briefly in many lifetimes, but one or both of us are not ready for the intensity of this connection. When both halves of the whole are ready to come back together and meet, they will discover that in their lifetime they have lead almost parallel lives.

Twin Flames are two people in two separate bodies that share the same Soul.Twin Flames meet each other in their first incarnation so that they remember the soul frequency of the other being.

They also have a very strong bond and often have telepathy with each other.Their lives even before meeting each other have many parallels.”

 Most people mistake Twin Flame for their Soul mate. Yes, we all have a Twin Flame. Soul mates, you get together and everything is perfect. With a Twin Flame there is chaos: one can be attached, age difference, different locations, or the person has some serious issues and is afraid to open up to the energy because the bond is too intense.

These are two who immediately sense the unalterable fact that they have been—are—and must always be One even though they might have fought against their fate for centuries and struggled in vain to escape their linked destiny.

Almost from the first moment they meet and gaze upon each other, their spirits rush together in joyful recognition, ignoring all convention and custom, all social rules of behaviour, driven by an inner knowing too overwhelming to be denied."


  1. "Their uniqueness of the One SOUL sharing the exact harmonic signature is beauty beyond compare. This is how God made each one of you. The ONE soul divided into two perfect polarities of the perfection of GOD, for the third dimensional contrast experience, for the potentiality, in the journey of the one soul, of coming into the wholeness of unconditional love, finally reuniting as ONE for ascension. These SACRED marriages are above the limitation of lower dimensional romantic love that placate the individual core wound and the collective core wound of Planet Earth in the third dimension consciousness.
    Dear Ones, now is the time to open your hearts, feel your Soul, listen to your Soul and know your inner truth of unconditional divine Love of your activated Twin Flame Heart." words by Liona

  2. Your twin flame will be recognized as the divine reflection of yourself when you know the pure divine love within you sharing from your heart to theirs." words by Liona

  3. Your twin flame will be recognized as the divine reflection of yourself when you know the pure divine love within you sharing from your heart to theirs." words by Liona
