Thursday, November 8, 2012

So today, ask yourself

What do I appreciate about my life? – Think of your lifestyle as a diet. You fill it with the fuel that’s going to keep you performing at your highest level. Supplementing your daily routine with positivity can only make you stronger. Because once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you will start having more positive results. And over time, as this habit helps you reduce stress, release your hurt, and not take things so personally, you will not only feel better, you will look younger and live longer too.
Am I spending time with the right people? – There are over seven billion people in the world right now; don’t let a handful of negative ones ruin your happiness. No, you can’t choose every person you meet in life, but you can choose who you spend your time with. So be thankful for the people who walk into your life and make it better, but also be thankful for freedom to walk away from the ones who don’t.
What are my gut instincts telling me? – Never apologize for what you feel and what you don’t feel; that’s a betrayal of your truth. No matter how much advice people give you, sometimes you have to feel things out for yourself, make decisions on your own, experience things firsthand, and build your own conclusions from the ground up the old
fashion way.
What can I do right now to move forward with my goals? – If you don’t like where you are, then change it. You are not a tree. It’s not enough to just have potential, you also need to figure out what you want to do with it, and then you need to take action. There are no ‘shoulds,’ just free choices. Decide to be one of those people who pull it off. Do what you say you’re going to do. Rise to your potential.
Am I selling myself short? – If you’re not being treated with love and respect, check your price tag. Perhaps you subconsciously marked yourself down. Because it’s YOU who tells others what you’re worth by showing them what you are willing to accept for your time and attention. So get off the clearance rack. If you don’t value yourself, no one else will either.
How am I affecting the people in my life? – Your words are truly
powerful. So when you speak, make sure you use your words to lift people up, and never put them down. Respect people’s feelings, because even if it doesn’t mean anything to you, it might mean everything to them. Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring – all of which have the potential to turn a life around.

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