Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The choice is ours how we live our lives.

Many believe that the true foundation of all that is great and lasting in the world is based on love. Love is a core value. And it is always there as a choice for us to use in our lives or not.

1. Give and experience as much love as possible. Love is probably the best gift we can give to ourselves first, then to others in our lifetimes. It behooves us all to learn to fully love oursel
ves first, and, in a more "humanitarian" way, to all those with whom we come into contact. It is not often easy for us to give unconditional love to others, in part due to the way we learned about love from our parents and society growing up. To change that, and give at least the "brotherly" form of love to all we meet and know, is to practice true acceptance, and it will come back to us often.

2. Forgive and let go of all you feel has wronged you. Let it go. Make a list of all the people from childhood to the present you feel hurt or wronged you in some way. It is sometimes helpful to ask yourself if "you" had any responsibility in the way things occurred. Then let it go. Write them a letter stating you forgive them (which can be mailed or thrown away after writing). Get yourself "complete" with the past. Just one negative grudge or ill feeling held on to can make it very hard for you to have any truly positive and successful relationships now or in the future.

3. Do what you are good at and love to do. If you are sitting behind a desk from eight to five every day working for someone else, and you dislike your job or your working environment, take steps to change it! Write out what you are good at and what you really love in your heart to do. Then go after it! If it means changing jobs, locations, or working for yourself, do it. Being true to yourself and your God-given talents and desires will make your life so much happier in the end that it will be worth it. When you can say that you love your work and those you work with, you will have a much more stress-free life, and the legacy you leave behind will be great and cherished by the people you touched with your genuine actions and words.
4. Be positive in all that you think, say, and do. Get rid of any guilt feelings you have, develop and trust your intuition, learn to quit worrying, visualize and affirm being successful and prosperous, develop and keep great faith, learn to deal with anger so it is not destructive to you or others, be totally responsible, learn to identify and control your stress, live one day at a time, and finally, trust a higher power or Universal Law to help you in your life journey and give you some support along the way.

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