Sunday, June 23, 2013


There is no doubt about it, we live in times of transformation. The whole world is now feeling a push to change the way we operate on earth and move towards a reality that works for everyone. We are now seeing and feeling that what we have been doing to ourselves and the planet thus far cannot be sustained any longer. Even in our personal lives, situations and challenges are pushing us to make changes at all levels. But changes towards what? What are we trying to shift towards? Or more so what are we trying to shift out of?
When we look at the system we have created, it is clear to see that we are programming ourselves to work against our natural state. Not only do we destroy each other and the nature surrounding us, but we convince ourselves and each other that we are born weak and imperfect and need anything and everything to alter our natural state of being. Whether it is education, religion, media, products, altered foods, identities or learned beliefs… we have submerged ourselves in a series of systems designed to pull us away from who we naturally are. Why? Because we have been sold on the belief that ‘natural isn’t good enough’, ‘natural is lazy’, ‘natural is imperfect’, ‘natural is ignorant’, ‘natural is inappropriate’, ‘natural is ineffective’, and most of all, that ‘nature is separate from us’.
This state of self rejection and perpetual struggle to become something else than who we naturally are has created a human race working against itself, a society trapped in stagnation and forcing individuals to give up parts of themselves to conform to a system repressing true beingness and natural creativity.
At what cost? At the cost of our freedom to evolve as a human race. Because we have not allowed ourselves to be and do what we naturally feel pulled to, we now have a society where the majority of people do not follow their true calling and spend their entire lives working at jobs they dislike simply to survive. Great engineers who have the potential to build technology for the benefit of all can end up designing weapons of war, or be expected to create technology that is limited to the polluting but profitable usage of oil. Great artists who have a unique expression are forced to change who they are and conform to the industry’s standards simply to become ‘successful’, or can even end up shuffling paper at work because their talent does not allow them to survive. Freedom of thought, imagination, innovation, uniqueness, playfulness and creativity is reduced to the same ‘safe-level’ in every individual through the schooling process, perhaps to avoid a revolution?

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