Saturday, January 11, 2014

When are you going to live your own life?

It’s been said that most people die at age 25, but don’t get buried until age 75. Are you living a dead life? Many people exist with their real lives on hold. Don’t deprive the world of experiencing the real you!

Release your talents, use your abilities and live with a spirit of adventure and boldness. Create a life where you make a difference and leave your mark. You have GREATNESS within you! Express it!

Express yourself. There is something in you the world needs now! Don’t allow your own self-doubt, fear, and the negative opinions of others to stifle your gifts. Express yourself! If you know what your passion is, use it in every way you can to be of service to others.

If you don’t, experiment with a variety of things until you find out what resonates with your mind, your heart, and your spirit. The world needs people who are on fire about their dream…who are hungry to make their mark….who are determined to leave a legacy. EXPRESS YOURSELF!!!

Forgive anyone who has caused you pain or harm. Keep in mind that forgiving is not for others…it’s for you. Forgiving is not forgetting…it is remembering without anger. It frees up your power, and heals your body, mind, and spirit. Forgiveness opens up a pathway to a new place of peace. Forgive yourself, and create within a place of freedom, inner strength, and serenity. Affirm to yourself. I am now free. Peace, love, and harmony are within and around me.

“Don’t make someone a priority that has made you an option.”
Decide to become a “no matter what” person. Decide that you will make your dream become a reality…NO MATTER WHAT! It doesn’t matter if you run out of money, or if life catches you on the blind side. It doesn’t matter if you experience disappointments, failures, or setbacks. You have what it takes to bounce back. Your gifts, talents, and abilities require that kind of resolve. The next moment can change your life…for good. Be open to that. Don’t give up and make it happen…NO MATTER WHAT!

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