Sunday, May 11, 2014

Challenges, Reasons and Tips On Twin Flame Experience

Challenge: Despite a strong, mutual connection and familiar “fit” of energies, one of the twin partners “runs” from the relationship. He or she may simply disappear or may try to set rigid boundaries for the relationship such as labeling it “just friends,” “just colleagues,” or “just another soul family/soul contract connection.”
Reason: Usually the partner who runs is more hindered by fear and steeped in overanalyzed “logic.” After all, trusting the heart instead of the analytical mind is scary and something we have been socialized not to do. The partner who runs fears being vulnerable and fears the power and potential of a twin flame connection. He or she may even temporarily stay in a lower vibration or unsatisfactory relationship with someone else simply because it is familiar and feels “safer.”
Tip: While it may feel frustrating and not genuine to hide the extent of your true feelings and dedication to your twin partner, saying and showing what you really feel will scare the runner even more. The best approach to take– until the partner is truly ready to reunite–is to act nonchalant about the relationship, act happy in general, and be engaged with other people and activities. 
Challenge: It feels amazing to love someone unconditionally and to recognize that someone is the soul’s “missing piece.” The “glimpses” you get of what’s possible for the relationship are amazing. However, it feels horrible and devastating when the partner’s words, actions, or reactions are negative, hypocritical, unjustified.
Reason: The twin flame relationship requires that all necessary lessons, strengthening, and awakening take place before the permanent reunion. The process becomes “karma’s crash course” for you! Part of the “test” that we are given prior to a permanent twin reunion includes whether: we are willing to risk looking and feeling foolish or silly, and still have faith in our own intuition and in our partner anyway; we are willing to love unconditionally, even though the partner may have or exhibit something that is usually a “deal-breaker” for us with anyone else; and we are willing to show patience, perseverance, and strength when we least want to do that.
Tip: Keep in mind that if your partner is truly your twin, you have no choice but to reunite sooner or later. The twin partner is your destiny and whatever miracles need to happen to awaken and reunite you both absolutely will– even if it means that your partner must do a 180 degree turn in his or her perspectives or behavior. Your choices or decisions may affect the timing and ease of your reunion, but the reunion itself is a given and non-negotiable. If you have not yet reconnected permanently with your twin, live your life now as if it will not happen, but have confidence and serenity in your heart knowing that it will. By taking this approach, you will move forward in the now and will not be burned out, exhausted, or resentful when your partner does come around and is ready to be the partner that you had hoped, sensed, and envisioned. Expressing yourself through art, energy intentions, journaling, planning, etc. can be a great outlet for the emotions that your partner is not yet ready to hear and receive. When your partner is ready mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, those efforts can then be shared and will be very appreciated.

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