Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Law of Reincarnation

As a child, if your parents asked you to clean up your room - "It's a mess!" - and you didn't, what happened? There were consequences and eventually you were forced to clean up your room. Alternatively, if your parents cleaned up your room for you, well how did that impact on your life when you were older? Did your parents clean up after you made mistake after mistake - even in your middle-age?

If you left the mess, you didn't clean it up and nor did they, nor did anyone else, how "messy" has your life been as you got older? It's your mess so you clean it up now - or later!

The Law of Reincarnation allows your Soul to return to earth, in another human body, male or female, rich or poor, well or ill, any specific skin colour, religion or intelligence level. This return to earth is to enable you, as your Soul, to resolve any unresolved or incomplete issues from your last, or other previous, lifetimes on earth. Earth is a laboratory where lessons come as experiences. Reincarnation is your Karma's way of perfecting the lessons your Soul has chosen to learn.

The desire to reincarnate is to repay past debts, to redress imbalances, to increase self-worthiness, to learn about emotional responses, physical sexuality, vulnerability, humility and many other lessons only available to be learnt on the earth plane. In addition to helping others, teaching others, serving others and to show others the way to enlightenment also motivates a Soul's choice for reincarnation.

Each lesson has as its center the ability to choose love as its solution. The free choice, or free will, in each allows thoughts, words, deeds, actions to manifest into physical reality. Karma is attached to these conscious or unconscious choices.

Reincarnation can be termed "learning to say you are sorry" and putting your words into action - lifetime after lifetime - until you prove it through your actions.

Ultimately, when you are love, become love, become Beloved and re-member and act as the part of God You Really Are, then your need to reincarnate is over and you move onto higher planes within the Universe as you go towards the Light.


  1. All action is generated by desire. It is the desire to live that causes us to reincarnate.

    Nothing you can do can prevent your death. Nothing you can do can prevent your rebirth. To step beyond life and death is self-discovery.

    At the end of this lifetime, you will leave this world. Your awareness field will stay together in a certain sense and then it will seek to return to things that are familiar. You will reincarnate.

    At the moment of birth you are the product of everything that has occurred in every lifetime you've had.

    The essence of your awareness field definitely goes on after death. It goes through death, it goes into non-physical states for a time, and then eventually is pulled back and it reincarnates.

    The structure of your perceptual field will determine your next lifetime. That structure has been determined by the way you have led this life.

  2. At the time of death, whatever you have focused on the most will determine your next life.

    What you will be in your next life is the sum total of the realizations that you have had in this lifetime.

    The state between birth and death is not sympathetic. It is a flow system. Whatever your conscious level is, that is how you will reincarnate.


  3. Good karma leads to rebirth also. The desire for higher states of mind is a desire. When you are fixated on higher states of mind, you don't become enlightened.

    There are ten thousand states of mind. The culmination of the states of mind you have gone through will create your next lifetime.

    To be afraid of our next life because we don't feel we've done a good job with this life is not wise. It creates unhappiness now.

    If you'd like to have a better incarnation, then have one now. If that's your attitude, just let go and meditate and try to be as wise and compassionate, as understanding as you can.

  4. No self-effort in the direction of enlightenment is ever wasted. Even if you don't become fully enlightened in a given lifetime, you will be much happier and more aware.

    The experience of the next life is too far away to really be concerned with. It will be an outgrowth of this incarnation and what happens between birth and death.

    Our knowledge, experience, and wisdom can assist us in gaining more from this life, which will correctly set up our next life.

    If you feel some tremendous pressure to do everything perfectly so you won't have a horrible incarnation in your next life - that type of fear is unnecessary. Life is not that finicky.

  5. Think of what you love most in this world. This is what you will come back to in your next life.

    A soul mate in the classical spiritual definition is someone that you have reincarnated with many times. Your soul and their soul have a multi-incarnation attraction.

    The universe is pretty cool. You always exist in one form or another. You are a wave and you are changing and moving from one level to another.
