Sunday, October 2, 2011


Beyond the 2012 doom and destruction portrayed to the masses, our real destination and the bright promise of an entirely different world is becoming possible because we are now returning to spirit-mind-body wholeness.

I suspect many readers realize they are eternal, spiritual energetic beings, which by choice, are experiencing through physical embodiment “life” here on this planet.

It is through these bodies we indwell that have restricted our abilities to easily access all of our infinite being. Thus, handicapped we have had severely limited abilities and a degraded conscious awareness of our complete, all empowering eternal Selves.

What was once out of reach for so many now is becoming a moment-by-moment transformation of Self made possible through reawakening and reconnecting to our true, higher Selves. Through a balanced functioning of our brains, combined with our hearts primary role, we are quickly becoming trans-human.

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