Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Unexpected events are NO accident...part 1

There are two forces that can influence the path of one's life while one is in body.

The first force occurs when we use our minds to change and create a new reality on our own. For example, we can decide to go to the store, sell the house, sit on the porch, change jobs, take a vacation, wash the car, take a walk, look out the window, brush our teeth, write a book and so on. These kinds of choices take place all the time and we make hundreds, if not thousands, of them each day.

The second force that influences our earthly journey is a far more interesting one, if we are interested in learning about the life plan we made for ourselves before incarnating. Out of nowhere this "force" can bring unexpected events, circumstances or people into our lives creating change and a new life path in its wake.

These kinds of spontaneous, unplanned experiences happen to all of us at various times in our lives. Unfortunately, they are usually written off as accidents or coincidences. They are not.

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